So the motes self-organize into networks.
And our lives are just the fleeting infinitesimal motes.
So I decided to take lots of grammar motes in every class.
Glancing back, alone, in the softly falling dust motes, I knew.
The apps can be debugged and deployed on simulated motes that run on a host computer.
Motes have small, inexpensive shells and use redundancy to increase their reliability.
I cherish that first-day memory: the sound of my mother's voice, the floating dust-motes in the school hall.
One of the most effective means of absorbing knowledge from a book is to make intelligent motes in the margins.
Not too many people are willing to see this, and perhaps it is hard to see, because Hazel Motes is such an admirable nihilist.
It's suffused with a thick smog that's a perpetual sulphur-yellow, and suffocated by motes of coal dust suspended in the breeze.
Never have I stood or will I stand again in such awe of life itself. Glancing back, alone, in the softly falling dust motes, I knew.
To say that molecules are conceived by analogy to motes or other observed particles is evidently to depart from that sense of analogy.
From five thousand feet the fishing boats were specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was a faint cloud of dust motes, circling.
We enjoy now, not an Oriental, but a 31 Boreal leisure, around warm stoves and fireplaces, and watch the shadow of 32 motes in the sunbeams.
Note: Data of annual average daily inhalable motes and SO2concentration in downtown from 1996 to 2000 refers to suspended motes and oxy-nitrogen.
注:主城区大气可吸入颗粒、二氧化氮年日均值的1996 - 2000年数据为总悬浮粒和氮氧化物年日均值。
A deaf gardener, aproned, masked with Matthew Arnold's face, pushes his mower on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms.
The idea is that share prices follow some gentle random walk away from an equilibrium, rather like motes of dust jiggling around in Brownian motion.
其想法在于,股票价格遵循偏离均衡的相当温和的随机漫步(random walk)原则,颇似布朗运动(Brownian motion)[5]中四处轻摆的花粉微粒[6]。
You gain a Mote of Flame each time you cause a damaging spell critical strike. When you reach 3 Motes, they will release, firing a Pillar of Flame for 1741 to 2023 damage.
The appearance quality of finished product are affected by the heps and motes directly, and whether the draff zone of fibre running normally or not are affected by them, too.
For many applications of perceptive networks-monitoring equipment, raw materials, and products in a factory or on a farm, for example-the arrangement of motes will be constantly changing.
The neps and motes is an important index for judging the quality of the yarn. So how to control and reduce the neps and motes seems to be very important for improving the quality of grey fabric.
I can remember the leaves of the trees shaking outside the window, and the way that sunlight was slanting in through the window, and the way that dust motes were hanging suspended in the sunlight.
The motes ended up recording 762, 868 incidents when two people intermingled within 10 feet of each other – the maximum distance that a disease can be transmitted through cough or sneeze droplets.
It was not the kind of place without squalls, where, when the occasional breeze comes through, it would gently sprinkle the air with musical motes and notes, filling you with rarely-matched delight.
It was not the kind of place without squalls, where, when the occasional breeze comes through, it would gently sprinkle the air with musical motes and notes, filling you with rarely-matched delight.