She declined to receive visitors and callers. Only my mother and uncle Homayoun were allowed in the house.
Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.
After grandpa passed away, she had to listen to my uncle, her eldest son, fulfilled her duty as daughter, wife, and mother; yet as a person, she remained little noticed.
He made up his mind to kill his uncle and let his mother repent for her SINS.
He became angry with both of them and came to despise his mother as well as his uncle.
She would not move to our house, despite repeated pleas from my mother, my uncle, and my grandmother.
My father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my brother, my uncle, my aunt, my friends and me are eat dinner together.
It was Grandma's birthday. Father, Mother and I went to visit her. She lives with my uncle in a village not too far away.
One day his mother and his Uncle Oscar came in when he was on one of his furious rides.
I could not ask her about Hans, about Shanti Uncle, about her mother and sister and brother.
When Hamlet's father unexpectedly dies, his uncle Claudius becomes ruler and marries Hamlet's mother.
This is my family photo. These are my grandparent. This is my mother and father. This is my uncle and aunt. This is my cousin. I love they.
He used to come roaring by in his shining blue suit with his cape whistling in the wind, looking remarkably like my Uncle Frank who was living with mother and me.
Two weeks before Christmas mother told me we were going to my grandmother's house for the holiday, Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town.
Mother, washed clothes for him and I and my the students helped him clean up housing, Paste New Year couplets, and hang lanterns, so Li uncle was very happy.
After his uncle is away, Mike begins to think: mother asks me to watch the door all the time and my uncle tells me to go and tell my mother.
We were all there, my mother, my son, my brother and his wife, as well as my aunt and uncle and gramps was, in spirit, there too.
I remember a time my mother and my uncle met at the station, on the way to mum I, see uncle wants.
Shortly afterwards, Isabella and her mother went to Toronto and on a small allowance from an uncle lived over a grocery store at the corner of King and John Streets.
My mother and father winter vacation, uncle aunt go fuzhou south backstreet play, bought so many toys, still eat ice-sugar gourd can be …
National Day, the son and his mother went to Beijing uncle play, and the way to the hospital to see his eyes.
The maternal uncle, Feng, and the young boy led the party, followed by the mother, riding with the elder maid, Bluehaze, who was holding a baby of two years old.
We composed one to cheer the group, the member have me and father and mother, but also had my paternal grandmother, wonderful and Uncle Xia Yong.
We composed one to cheer the group, the member have me and father and mother, but also had my paternal grandmother, wonderful and Uncle Xia Yong.