The doorway to peace and quiet, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother in law. She lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.
What is Nick's attitude towards sharing the house with his mother-in-law?
Even President Obama's mother-in-law has agreed to leave Chicago and into the White House to help care for her granddaughters.
They sweat in a strange kitchen, take care of a bossy mother-in-law and see their husbands only for a few weeks each year.
"No one understands how this could have happened to someone as healthy as her," her mother-in-law said at the time.
Not all wives enjoy this. They sweat in a strange kitchen, take care of a bossy mother-in-law and see their husbands only for a few weeks each year.
He needed to talk to his future mother-in-law and convince her that his intentions were honorable.
Many women are unapologetic about their priorities, citing the age-old tradition in which men provided a home for their brides, even if that home came with a mother-in-law.
"Marquise," said Villefort, approaching his future mother-in-law, "I request your pardon for thus leaving you."
Last year her mother-in-law had hip replacement surgery. While the NHI covered 50% of the cost, the family shouldered the remainder.
Laura followed in the footsteps of mother-in-law Barbara Bush, who helped pass the National Literacy Act in 1991.
Three of the four slots are reputed to be too violent and dangerous for your mother-in-law.
Several years ago, her mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and was told she had six months to live.
Anu says she would have stopped having children after the first two daughters, but her husband and mother-in-law kept insisting the family needed a son.
For a girl, marrying into the husband's household was not so much a matter of marrying the husband, then, as marrying the mother-in-law.
As we talked, she revealed that she was worried about her mother-in-law coming to live with her and felt like she couldn't talk to her husband about it.
When she and Leonard married, she was asked to join the family firm by her formidably dynamic mother-in-law, estee.
The occasional spousal spat, a teenager who refuses to cooperate or a nagging mother-in-law can all contribute to stress.
He also provided a cash dowry, which his mother-in-law used to make rugs and blankets for the couple.
No sooner was his father's funeral over, than Mrs. John Dashwood, without sending any notice of her intention to her mother-in-law, arrived with her child and their attendants .
He thought about what his two women were going through now, his "girls," as he called them-his wife and his mother-in-law.
For example, although she almost never says anything about it, I know that my mother-in-law wishes my children dressed in more classic kids' clothes.
The message became an internet sensation after being rapidly circulated online, earning Mrs Bourne the nicknames “Miss Fancy Pants” and the “mother-in-law from hell”.
After switching to a vegetarian diet her mother-in-law lived several years longer.
If you are afraid to offend somebody by throwing away a gift (like a hideous vase that you got from your mother-in-law) - talk to them honestly.
If you are afraid to offend somebody by throwing away a gift (like a hideous vase that you got from your mother-in-law) - talk to them honestly.