Weld Washer System (a special fixing method developed by Kaveri) where in mother plate is not punctured.
The paper mainly introduces the calculating equation for piston skirt molded lines, the drawing of piston, and the design for convexity mother plate molded lines.
In those days, many HOBOS stopped at our comer. Mother brought a plate of food to the porch where he waited.
The yield strength of JCOE welded pipe was different from the mother steel plate because of the influence of Bauschinger effect and work hardening.
An ideal family is a non-working wife, the caring, nurturing mother who greets children after school with a plate of home-baked cookies.
Do you think an African mother CARES if the drugs keeping her child alive are thanks to an iPod or a church plate?
So the mother brought a gold plate and the food that her unselfish daughter, the Moon, had brought her heaped the plate high.
In sterile anthers, abnormal distribution of calcium gran - ules first appeared in callus wall of microspore mother cell (Plate IV-1).
He stabbed a young mother to death after his car ran into the woman for fear that she might remember his car plate and ask for compensation.
He stabbed a young mother to death after his car ran into the woman for fear that she might remember his car plate and ask for compensation.