INNFOS motion capture system has infinite possibilities for VR interactive applications.
Mahru is programmed to follow various human movements through an advanced motion capture system, he said, adding it can move its hands freely to cope with any interference or obstacles.
To power their flying furniture, the pair used a motion capture system where a camera tracks everything in the room-including the person and the drone, which receives commands from the computer.
The motion capture had to be done separately from the filming, because reflective materials on costumes and sets interfered with the motion-capture system.
Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows.
The great thing about this is that it doesn't require GPS or infrared tracking or motion capture or any other localization system.
The great thing about this is that it doesn't require GPS or infrared tracking or motion capture or any other localization system.