A simple filtering and oil-recovery device for purifying the mould cooling air containing large amount of oil fumes in the exhausting pipelines has been described.
Open a small fire, pan put the oil, add to the mold, scoop proper batter is poured into the mould.
It can save the electricity and oil and is compatible with the mould release cylinder of the former mould release device .
The mould from Yao Wan Sweet Oil can produce amylase which plays an important role in the Yao Wan Sweet Oil.
The replacement for brick and tile mould clean, besmear antirust oil, should be dry, level off place MATS flat, prevent the gravity deformation.
The silicone oil release agent has good properties and is broadly applied in PU, ABS and rubber mould.
The silicone oil release agent has good properties and is widely used in PU, ABS and rubber mould.
The manufacturing process of foaming mould of an oil pump body by using LOM prototype, electroforming and wire-arc spraying was introduced in detail.
In this paper, based on the dynamic analysis of sheet metal hydroforming, a new structure of hydroforming mould for motorcycle oil box is introduced.
The most suitable thinner might was silicone oil, other thinner minght cause the contraction of mould.
The paper discussed the demoulding properties on varied material and the effect of the ratio of solidify agent and silicone oil on mould quality, gave the proper ratio of solidify agent.
The paper discussed the demoulding properties on varied material and the effect of the ratio of solidify agent and silicone oil on mould quality, gave the proper ratio of solidify agent.