Here we report the dynamic, autonomous formation of the optic cup (retinal primordium) structure from a three-dimensional culture of mouse embryonic stem cell aggregates.
Objective To explore the inductive effect of striatal tissue on mouse embryonic stem cells and further analyse the cell source and inductive pattern of this inductive effect.
Objective To explore techniques of isolating embryonic stem-like cells (ESLCs) from mouse blastocyst inner cell mass and the utilization of ESLCs to generate chimerical mice.
For utilization of the mouse embryonic stem (es) cells for various purposes, it is desirable that the cell lines are established from various sources such as inbred and outbred mouse strains.
Objective: To investigate the culture and biological characteristics of mouse embryonic stem (es) cell as a foundational work for its application.
Objective: To investigate the culture and biological characteristics of mouse embryonic stem (es) cell as a foundational work for its application.