If you had a motor here that was causing a paddle to move up and down you could cause waves to form at one end of the tank and move from left to right.
How do you get these hearts to move up and down and seemingly in random patterns?
You start by running 5 km, move up to a 10 km, then a half marathon.
What factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults?
Move up to the $30 pro account and you get unlimited storage space for your shared photos.
升级到30 美元的专业账户,你就可以无限制地存储共享照片。
A ten-year-old child can move up through the levels of a video game easily.
San Jose was among the best cities in America for poor kids to move up the social ladder.
You'd start lifting weights with 45 pounds and then move up to 50 pounds and then 75 pounds and so on.
Success was once defined as being able to stay at a company for a long time and move up the corporate ladder.
Much recent work has examined the claim that women encounter increasing obstacles relative to men as they move up the organizational ladder in business.
The damage to skill and craftsmanship—that's needed to build a complex airliner or a tractor, or for a worker to move up from assembler to machinist to supervisor—went largely unnoticed.
It provides pages with hyperlinks that enable you to move up and down the hierarchical tree.
Eventually you move up to two and three colors, then maybe a warm or cool palette, and your subjects might expand to include figures or landscapes.
A simple formula might be: When fear recedes enough for investors to take on more risk, stocks all around the world move up — and stocks in emerging markets move up fastest.
"Our markets, if anything, just leveled off for awhile. So now, they're starting to move up," he said.
But mostly they want to move up the value chain, mixing and matching skills and advantages from all over the world.
Teams that finish last must move to a lower division the following year, while the best of the lower divisions move up.
Core indices have continued to move up in some countries even as headline inflation Numbers have declined.
Or, perhaps sales wants the new process established before the big sales event, which could move up your deployment dates substantially.
The longer a chemical sits outside without breaking down, the more likely it is to accumulate, drift around and even move up the food chain.
I managed not to spin the wheels, while other drivers struggled for grip and I managed to move up to second.
Suppose you are in a long line at checkout counter 1 — you can roughly guess how long it would take to move up in that line.
I don't see how they can move up the chain because you need to be able to move up.
Because of the way people move up the ladder in the corporate world. The general principle is: you don't get promoted, you get elected.
In other words, teams can be at different levels of self-organization and can move up or down that scale at different stages.
The rankings are designed to provide transparency about shortcomings and have influenced a number of countries looking to move up the list.
"The modern player has emerged," said Davis. "We've seen Judd move up through the gears and he's come here and absolutely annihilated the game."
In short, a more expressive language can allow you to move up a layer of interoperability.
Each month, their gross numbers—the total number of customers, total revenue, and total usage—move up and to the right.
Each month, their gross numbers—the total number of customers, total revenue, and total usage—move up and to the right.