It is necessary to retain the Special Committee because sometimes the Front Committee has to move about with the troops.
As you have seen in your history, your judgments of "right and wrong" seem to move about with your advancing cultures and awareness.
To negotiate human Spaces, robots like HERB need to perceive and cope with unfamiliar objects and move about without bumping into people who are themselves in motion.
You’ll feel better about yourself with each victory, and with the learning of each new skill or the discipline of each new focus, you’ll find it that much easier to move to the next goal.
You'll feel better about yourself with each victory, and with the learning of each new skill or the discipline of each new focus, you'll find it that much easier to move to the next goal.
Since we did so well last week with the question about Linux, let's move on to a slightly different one.
He says during his recent visit, he saw about 30 new homes almost completed on one small island, with the people expected to move in November.
And if you want it with someone, I wonder how you might go about it and what courage and optimism will help you to move in that direction.
Research shows that mothers of older children tend to talk more with their children about their frustrations, while fathers may try to distract a child and encourage him or her to move on.
Coupled with better communication, as the human population skyrockets and we move into more hazardous regions, we're going to hear more about the events that do occur, Arrowsmith added.
I'm talking about arguing with anyone, anywhere, any time. It's a guaranteed losing move.
Males often leave the group they are with to move about alone, subsequently joining another group or another lone male.
Now, Huipe is thinking about dropping out of school and postponing his studies in biochemisty in order to work and save money, and maybe move back in with his parents.
In the western world, women have more partners with men, less regret about partners, move on more easily than men.
The manager picked Tevez's goal against Middlesbrough, which you set up with a back-heel, as his favourite of the campaign so far - was that move all about instinct?
Patrick Vieira is the cover star and main interview, with the French midfielder talking at length about his move to City and future plans in Senegal.
But some are raising the issue of actors with Chinese roots but who aren't Chinese citizens and whether they are appropriate for a move about modern China's founding.
When he's not writing software, he enjoys building PCs and servers, reading about and working with new technologies, and trying to get his friends to make the move to open source software.
Then we will move on to one of the hardest subjects to talk about with a young child — death.
Owyang's next move will remain a mystery until next week, but he has offered some clues about what he'll be doing. "I will be spending more time with less clients and be practicing more," he told us.
In order for the tide waves to move fast enough at the equator to keep up with the moon, the ocean would have to be about 22km deep.
“We need to slowly move forward with consultations with South Korea about whether they would allow in transport aircraft from the Self-Defense Forces,” Mr. Kan told reporters on Saturday.
“我们需要和韩国逐步磋商,是否允许我们空运自卫队去那里。” 他周六对媒体说。
"I've been trying to move beyond The End of History ever since I wrote the book," Fukuyama says with weary patience. "But no matter what I write, everyone wants to ask me about it.".
尽管言辞简短,我仍震惊于他的镇静和安详,当提到使他成名的那些思想时,他颇有些不耐烦地说 :“从我写作这部书时起,我就一直试图超越《历史的终结》,但是不论我写了什么,每个人都向我提起它。”
Then he said to his wife: "Let's start from distant destinations with difficult terrains when we can still move about, leaving the easier-to-reach ones for later.
Despite the bleak statistics — there are roughly 15 million people unemployed in the U.S., and about 70 million more with jobs looking to make a career move — you can land a job via the Internet.
In December 2007, Rogers moved to Singapore from New York with his family, a move he said reflected his optimism about the future of Asia.
In December 2007, Rogers moved to Singapore from New York with his family, a move he said reflected his optimism about the future of Asia.