It is hard for people to move forward with a strong wind blowing hard.
We didn’t want to just move forward with it—we wanted to pick up the pace.
We need to move forward with the policies that are leading us out of this mess.
And if current discussions produce a serious plan, I'm prepared to move forward with it.
That's something that is more critical than ever as we move forward with mobile web development.
After your "12 Week Year" you can re-group, re-assess and move forward with what you've learned.
If DARPA then move forward with the project, the new Humvee could take to the skies as soon as 2015.
And scale requires constantly adapting our experience to move forward with our programs and our policies.
I have a lot more strength and am ready to move forward with a more normal life — which is a tonic in itself.
Even though the Banks were working with ICE, Citadel and the C.M.E. continued to move forward with their exchange.
Mr. Obama’s proposals provide a firm basis for both the Senate and House to move forward with comprehensive reforms.
You can't predict everything of course, but you can believe in yourself and move forward with optimism and conviction.
Presumably Pfizer could have offered the drug to sick children years ago, but decided to wait until now to move forward with it.
And Arias told reporters that Zeyala's return was "the best opportunity" to move forward with the San Jose Accord he negotiated.
并且Oscar Arias告诉记者,Zeyala的返国是推动正在谈判之「圣荷西协议」的「最佳机会」。
CTBT ratification would also encourage the international community to move forward with other essential nonproliferation steps.
Emerging economies move forward with climate change response; eight grants announced to help implement carbon market instrument.
The user is directly prompted for just what is necessary to move forward with the application - no pinching, zooming, or scrolling required.
Second, we agreed to take concrete steps to move forward with tough, new financial regulations so that crises like this can never happen again.
And when you lose the feeling to love someone, move forward with the action of loving them and that will help you reclaim your feelings of love.
But this milestone should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the future is ours to shape if we move forward with confidence and commitment.
We should be proud to move forward with something important for both staff and management, which allows for a more streamlined system for employment.
But that's all temporary - after all, you have also learned to breathe, exercise, confide in the right Allies, and move forward with your chosen career.
So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are different —anomalies in spacetime.
So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are different — anomalies in spacetime.
So inside those new universes, which move forward with the arrow of time, there are places where the laws of physics are different — anomalies in spacetime.