A week after Kosovo's move on the border, the number of lorries crossing into the country from Macedonia suggested that Kosovars were not having much trouble replacing goods from Serbia.
That move plunged the country into further financial uncertainty, raising the prospect of needing a bailout like Greece and Ireland.
In its march to prosperity, the country has encouraged hundreds of millions of its young people to move into cities.
Germany renounced any interest in Finland, thus giving the Russians carte blanche to move into that country—which they have been trying to do for the past four weeks.
Claire and Ryan, a newlywed couple, move into a new house across the country, only to find out that their marital issues are the least of their problems.
They did move out into the world of work in far greater Numbers, not necessarily because men welcomed them, but because the country needed their labor.
Like other big tobacco companies, China National tobacco Corporation, which controls the production and sale of all tobacco products in the country, is beginning to move into thee-business.
To achieve the 2020 target, country-dwellers must move into urban areas at a rate of more than 500,000 a year.
Now, however, I'm faced with having to move my widowed father, who lives halfway across the country and has Alzheimer's, into a nursing home.
Now, however, I'm faced with having to move my widowed father, who lives halfway across the country and has Alzheimer's, into a nursing home.