Drum dancers and Reba dancers put on colorful clothes, hang big drums on their waists, wave the drumsticks, and move ahead and back with a powerful rhythm.
He found that if he kept the truck in fifth gear and didn't go any slower than 25 MPH, he could still move ahead, even with his engine on fire.
Mr King's remarks, however, implied that he at least is in no hurry to make an early move: he highlighted the squeeze on living standards from an inflation rate running well ahead of earnings growth.
They have a lot of challenging work ahead. But for me, it’s time to move on.
Drum dancers and Reba dancers put on colorful clothes, hang big drums on their waists, wave the drumsticks, move ahead and back with powerful rhythm.
The move at Caijing comes as part of a larger constriction of civil society ahead of the 60-year anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic on Oct. 1.
The legislation, which Obama signed in October, instructs NASA to move ahead with a new spacecraft that could land on an asteroid by 2025.
The move by China comes just ahead of a 'strategic dialogue' on economic issues between the U.S. and China, planned for December in Beijing.
Where you cannot see far ahead on the road because of a curve or a hill, move right to avoid colliding with an oncoming vehicle that is over the centre line.
It needs men who can be prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move, to function, to go ahead.
On Friday, the request for injunction was denied, allowing Samsung to move into the most critical shopping period of the year at full steam ahead.
If you can't get ahead in the company you're with, perhaps it's time to move on.
Once you have a vision, start acting on it. You need momentum and action to move ahead this year!
一旦你有了目标,开始采取行动。你需要动力、行动就在今年,前进吧! 攼。
In most places in the world, a green light is a signal to move ahead. A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.
Master it and avoid the befuddled look on a passerby's face on the subway escalator when you say qingwen to ask for space to move ahead.
At first glance this is a quite different state of consciousness. He can move, he can talk, he can make calculations ahead, and so on.
By the third week of November, you'll likely get an important nod to move ahead on a key new endeavor or relationship.
We are all so happy when Venus goes direct because we can move ahead on our plans to make ourselves more attractive and also to beautify our surroundings.
The only way to move ahead on the project was to encourage the entire group to offer solutions to our export problem.
I hope this song will help them express their yearning for their parents, say "goodbye" to them, and then move on courageously to face the challenges that lie ahead.
The Bucks have the eighth overall pick in the draft and could make a move up or down, depending on developments ahead of them. But it's clear they like Alexander's toughness and potential.
The European Union has signed an agreement with four nations to move ahead on creating new gas pipelines to reduce its energy dependence on Russia.
The European Union has signed an agreement with four nations to move ahead on creating new gas pipelines to reduce its energy dependence on Russia.