How did the Egyptians move those heavy stones to the top without any modern machinery?
They have more flexible contracts and shorter agreements which allow them to move across to colocation and other hosting sites much more easily than the top end of town.
This required the OF to add new features to the release plan and move these new features up to the top of the development backlog.
Being more foundational, architectural elements are harder to move around and replace because you'll have to move all the things on top of them to accommodate the changes.
Separate top sections gives me just what i need till I’m happy with the basics and ready to move on to the details.
He won the league twice at Arsenal and got to play in the Champions league. Top players move on so they can do these sorts of things.
When you craft your finance resume, move all of the bullet points to the top that have anything to do with finance.
Agreement was reached only after several days of horse-trading that caused dramatic scenes in the Capitol as Obama and his top staff urged the Senate to move the legislation forward.
Move quickly and you may be able to avoid losing too many of your top people to your competitors.
The liquid vaccines they require are often temperamental, needing constant refrigeration and thus what is known as a "cold chain" to keep them in tip-top condition as they move from factory to clinic.
Until top scientists make regular visits-something Tedesco has been desperately urging-the best that can be done is to maintain a precise record of Nyiragongo's every move.
We simply move the new values for the parameters on top of the old ones and do a jump to the point in the function right after local variables are saved on the stack.
The unprecedented global scope of these efforts could change pay practices broadly as well as prompt top managers to move to unaffected companies.
That move could spread the cost to include cable networks whose shows often win top awards.
Bowhead whales, the giants of the Arctic, are using the Northwest Passage to move across the top of the Americas.
This year the artist and her family will move back downtown. The ostensible reason is to enroll Jiazhen in a top school, but Zhang also wants to give her daughter a deeper sense of identity.
Use the Move Tool (v) to then click and drag the planet into our main canvas, positioning it somewhere on the top right.
If an app continues to be among the highest-downloaded over that seven-day period, it will move into either the "Top Paid" or "Top Free" lists, which cover popularity over a 30-day period.
Move your mouse to the top of the taskbar so your mouse cursor changes to an up/down double-arrow.
While many clients want to see that a blogger already has experience writing for another client, being able to show off a personal blog can help an applicant move to the top of the stack.
For example, you can brush the outer sides of your teeth from left to right across the top, then move to the inside and brush right to left.
Skip the tinsel, or move it to a high spot on your tree where your cats and dogs can't get them, warns. Put fragile ornaments at the tip-top of your tree, too, in case jumpy pets try to get to them.
In this case, the printer actually has to print that many newlines in order to make the print head move to the top of the next page.
Torrestrike partner and the top scorer at Euro 2008 has just completed a big-money move to Barcelona and will be eager to show the world why they forked out so many Euros for his services.
You've got to give it to her, though: she got the top job and she made a bold move, which at least made watching the company more fun than checking the ticker tape on Dell (DELL) or IBM (IBM).
The consolation is they're killing people at the top too so they're going to so when you do get a job in a financial institution there will be more Spaces above you on the ladder to move up.
The consolation is they're killing people at the top too so they're going to so when you do get a job in a financial institution there will be more Spaces above you on the ladder to move up.