Less dense substances move upwards to form a crust.
And then move upwards again to the Great Cosmic Heart of the Divine and feel yourself embraced in Divine Love.
Street vendor lies in the lowest layer in the self-employment group, and has little chance to move upwards.
Move upwards when you start your turn, and lower your body to apply more weight onto your skies to complete the turn.
As we move upwards in an organization, our perspective begins to change, sometimes in ways that can feel uncomfortable.
At certain point under the pile the stress come to the maximum and it will move upwards along the pile with the load increasing.
The emphasis in Kundalini is on the breath in conjunction with physical movement, with the purpose of freeing energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards.
They will move slowly upwards right to the side of space, 30 km away from the Earth.
Then, move the energy upwards and into the Crown Chakra and then the Soul Star Chakra.
However, most policymakers agree that the industry must move beyond corn ethanol, which is less efficient than the sugar-derived stuff and pushes food prices upwards.
Duplicate frame. Move the circle layer upwards and change the opacity to 100%.
The hock, as the hind foot leaves the ground, should first move forward rather than being pulled upwards, but certainly not backwards.
The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.
The rabbit is also famous for its quick move. So my last wish is that UK economy will have a very quick move, going upwards.
It shall take upwards of 1000 years (4000 human years) to move Earth from her current vibration fully into the 5th dimension thereby attaining the state of a star.
It shall take upwards of 1000 years (4000 human years) to move Earth from her current vibration fully into the 5th dimension thereby attaining the state of a star.