His mother, as free with a slap as with a hug, bars Toto from his beloved movie house when she finds he has again spent 50 lire, the milk money, on its grainy offerings.
And I think they also realized that right here in the White House they have a movie theater and they can have friends come over.
At their house I watched the movie 'Never Ending Story' nearly all the way through.
在她们家,我看了电影”永不结束的故事(Never Ending Story)",打发了绝大部分的时间(At their house I watchedthe movie'Never Ending Story'nearlyallthe way through)。
Le pere des mes enfants (" the Father of My Children ") belongs to the genre of the country house movie, French division.
Leperedesmesenfants(暂译《我孩子的父亲》“the Fatherof My Children ”)属于法国乡村类型电影。
When you're home, the house takes care of you by playing your favorite song whenever you walk in or instantaneously dimming the lights for a movie.
Still, having these tools at our fingertips can prove mighty useful when you need to do some quick research or you’re just not in the mood to leave your house simply to get a movie.
I don't care what those correspondence-course directors say, even art-house movie joints have some sense of decorum, from what I hear.
She is the author of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, soon to be a movie starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.
她是《对抗性游戏:我的间谍生活,我被白宫出卖》一书的作者。将来她还要在一部名为《NaomiWatts and Sean Penn》的电影中扮演重要角色。
Though he won't confirm it, Vesterbacka says he wouldn't be surprised if the much-talked about Angry Birds movie is developed in-house, as a result.
He never ducked into a movie house or goofed off into restaurants when he was on foot patrol as some of the other cops did especially on winter nights.
I'm going thisaway too," Enoch On the left there was a movie house where the electric bill was being changed.
Come over to my house around 9 o 'clock. By then, I (complete) my history essay and we can go see a movie.
We talked for very long time until we missed the movie. When I fetched her back to her house.
A good plaza should have a movie house; they spent their weekends at the local malls.
Former movie Star Nancy brought her fierce red carpet style to the White House as she ushered in a new era of Hollywood glamour.
She serves as an usherette at that movie house.
On the House floor, Congressman Dennis Kucinich said it reminded him of a movie.
When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.
Grace and her friends had rarely gone to the theater, though. They'd had movie nights at her house, where Grace prepared a menu of snacks themed to go with the rented DVDs.
Trina: Ah, gone out to dinner, gone to a movie, had dinner at my parents house, had dinner at my grandparent's house.
The Film house, the Cameo Cinema and the Odeon are some of the best movie houses in the city.
I saw an art-house movie last night but it wasn't very good - there were no car chases in it at all!
I saw an art-house movie last night but it wasn't very good - there were no car chases in it at all!