He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.
Musk's imagined machine, at least someone to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn.
If HSR is to be a success, more rigorous and effective means will be required to separate train operations from MOW activities.
The presence of MOW equipment either occupying the wrong track or fouling an adjacent track has been the cause of serious accidents in the past.
You could mow a neighbor's lawn in exchange for her babysitting your child for an evening, so you and your spouse can enjoy a movie or a quiet dinner.
Mike and David hate to mow the lawn.
It calmed me. So I resolved to mow with them all day long.
The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it.
I'm not helping to take care of her, to mow her lawn, to be a good son.
"Will anyone be shooting at me while I mow the grass?" asked the soldier.
Ever been stuck in a traffic jam and wanted to mow through the cars in front of you?
We wish he would get up and do something useful — clean the house, maybe, or mow the lawn.
Imagine trying to mow your lawn with a remote controlled lawnmower and a fixed video camera.
Vacuum your room, wash the car, or mow the lawn. It's not a chore - it's an exercise opportunity!
You could pay a local teenager to mow the lawn, or to watch your kids while you get on with work.
Give the gift of your service - wash cars, give a massage, babysit, clean a house, mow lawns, etc.
And mow the lawn and wash the car-and I hope nobody gives you a brand-new car when you are sixteen.
He forced me to do the dishes, clean the basement, clean the bathroom, clean the pets, and mow the lawn.
A grassy backyard is fine you've got time to mow and weed, but the Berners want to spend every spare moment entertaining.
I told him that he should channel that into doing something useful and convinced him to mow my lawn, which I paid him for.
Not only are they spacious and beautifully maintained, I don't need to pick weeds, mow the lawn, or own a garage full of equipment.
I hope you learn to make your bed and mow the lawn and wash the car-and I hope nobody gives you a brand-new car when you are sixteen.
You don't see the flipside of healthy nuclear families and dads who mow the lawn on the weekends and swimming lessons in the toddler pool.
Marie:I can imagine no respect or friendship greater than l have for you mow. I can imagine no future so full of promise the one you offer.
Organizers of "Britain's Most Talented Pet" say they have found a dog that can mow the lawn and play the piano, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Maybe he's the husband who manages his time poorly, falls through on promises to mow the lawn or get groceries, and grows bored within minutes.
If your partner has trouble keeping the house tidy or remembering to mow the lawn every Sunday, hire a cleaning service or a lawn-cutting service.
An MOW script is also known as a "Movie of the Week" script. These scripts are typically shorter than a standard script and range from 70 to 90 pages.
MOW剧本是每周电影(“Movie of the Week”)剧本的缩写,这种剧本通常比一般的剧本短小,在70 ~ 90页之间。
An MOW script is also known as a "Movie of the Week" script. These scripts are typically shorter than a standard script and range from 70 to 90 pages.
MOW剧本是每周电影(“Movie of the Week”)剧本的缩写,这种剧本通常比一般的剧本短小,在70 ~ 90页之间。