Even the much-maligned credit default swaps have their uses;
S. did with the much-maligned, now much-celebrated 'stress tests' of 2009.
TARP, of course, is the much-maligned Troubled Asset Relief Program, the bank rescue.
Unfortunately for the Dane, no one was talking about her snapping out of a much-maligned Grand Slam drought.
Exhibit a in the case against people who can't appreciate what's right in front of them: the much-maligned dandelion.
The much-maligned car salesman is still shifting the vast majority of new cars, despite carmakers' efforts to sell online.
The jobless now outnumber the joyless-there is nothing like a drop in GDP to remind everyone how much this much-maligned metric matters.
It is more than nostalgia for the first trophy he won in England 18 months ago, that causes Mourinho to value this much-maligned competition.
Christmassweater, o Christmas sweater! Amid a surge in fashion nostalgia, the much-maligned Christmas knit is enjoying a moment of irony-infused popularity.
Offal is a common culprit (though I suspect a lot of that is about the idea of it, rather than the taste), as well as fish that's too fishy and the much-maligned sprout.
The much-maligned musical instrument has caused ears to bleed, skin to crawl and voiceboxes to reverberate with complaint; but what do we actually know of the vuvuzela?
People who know much more about intellectual property than I do think this is exactly the sort of trick that is made easier by the much-maligned UCITA legislation template.
The subsequent recession fixed that. The jobless now outnumber the joyless—there is nothing like a drop in GDP to remind everyone how much this much-maligned metric matters.
CSR reporting became so popular that even much maligned companies such as British American Tobacco felt that they too needed to communicate the benefits of their operations to society.
Queen Marie Antoinette is still much maligned over this quote - and she never even said it!
Coffee, the much maligned but undoubtedly beloved beverage, just made headlines for possibly cutting the risk of the latest disease epidemic, type 2 diabetes.
Scientists revealed that up to 4% of our DNA is Neanderthal after the first comparison of the complete genomes of humans and our much maligned Cousins.
A frequent and fascinating public speaker, Raskin's efforts to move into the much maligned health care sector could really shake things up.
These much maligned molecules may not be entirely harmful after all. In fact, a new study suggests they could help us live longer.
'We focus so much on memory that forgetting has been maligned,' says Gayatri Devi, a neuropsychiatrist and memory expert in New York City.
Even the much maligned EMs have got into risk rally with USDTRY falling to 1.8163 while USDRUB traded down to 31.0782.
Even the much maligned EMs have got into risk rally with USDTRY falling to 1.8163 while USDRUB traded down to 31.0782.