One day, a horse said to him, "You're a much better animal doctor than the vet. You knew I couldn't see well, and you made glasses for me."
You have been tested mightily in your life to get to this moment. And all of you know much better than I do: from the moment you leave this campus, you will be tested.
With work colleagues it's a fairness issue, but with school friends who had the same opportunities as you you might think 'They've done much better than me so I must be less competent'.
But I find that positive motivation works better — if it’s something you really want to do, you’ll do a much better job than to avoid something you don’t want (such as being fired).
If so, you're a much better and stronger person than I am, so Happy New Year and all the best to you.
I would argue that having one ID that you can both trust and enforce is MUCH better than having a lot of IDs that you can neither trust nor enforce.
Yeah, I can see the pattern, but certainly it doesn't mean that you can get much better than you are.
Middle-aged man: that is really thank you, than I am a person here, and so much better.
I wish you all every success in your careers and lives, and would remind you that your timing is very good& much better than mine was.
You might think that adds pressure but I can tell you, it's a much better position to be in than the way I was feeling after losing in Australia at the start of the year.
You also know better than anyone else I come to the inner surface area is much desire, so when I broke the wings of time, you do not helped me, but with me learning reluctantly.
May: I agree with you on that. Much better to sound off sometimes than to lip-synch.
I am not sure that I could surpass you in photography although I have much better equipments than yours!
Everyone brings something to the table. I pretty much assume everyone wants to do their best work. The most gratifying thing is when the result is better than what you could do on your own.
Perhaps you and I have better change over; you are much more experienced than I in this field.
Now, mystudy is much better than before, and I want to express my gratitude to you.
Given how much better off I am than so many famous dead people, you think I be content.
Ross: : Come here. (he hugs Rachel) Listen, you deserve so much better than him…you know, I mean, you should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.
I won't pretend to tell you how this machine works, because you understand it much better than I.
I feel very great, you can stick to the end, students are much better than the cosseted.
I didn't get as much as "thank you." Still, I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did.
Sit down and take your hat off, Catherine, ' he answered. 'You are so much happier than I am, you ought to be better.
‘坐下,把帽子摘下来,凯瑟琳,’他回答。 ‘你比我幸福多了,你应该比我好些。
I like this red sweater much better than the black one. The red one is longer and softer. And the color is perfect for you. Try it on.
You deserve so much better than him, you know, I mean you should be with a man who knows what he has when he has you.
The action is much better than Risen, you don't die every ten seconds, before your character has the chance to develop into the sword welding maniac that I became.
The action is much better than Risen, you don't die every ten seconds, before your character has the chance to develop into the sword welding maniac that I became.