The doing is ever so much more interesting than the deciding.
Working on the farm is much more interesting than having classes at school .
That is a very interesting story, but this story is much more interesting than that one.
Paris as it exists, warts and all, is much more interesting than the Paris of Woody Allen’s mind.
This is a great pronunciation exercise, and it's much more interesting than exercises in textbooks.
This structured data is much more interesting than the mere presence of search terms in a full text search.
Life is a web, not a tree, which means he future of biology is much more interesting than anyone had dared to hope.
So my postcard from Guangzhou would read like this: “Dear Mom and Dad, this place is so much more interesting than it looks from abroad.
The project's mission is to bring agile knowledge and skills to all PMI practitioners. Yet what has emerged is much more interesting than that.
But today, the hiking is much more interesting than last time, and we decide to write something for it, after all, our travel blog has already not been updated for quite a long time.
First, fictional people tend to be wittier and more clever than friends and family, and their adventures are usually much more interesting.
The reason new hardware was targeted so much was because it was interesting; this carried as much or even more weight than any actual need to run Linux on it.
Often your private fantasies seem much more interesting and beautiful than reality, but you will have to learn to deal with the real world, too.
Many people feel it would be better if academia links more to the real world rather than be so much of an "Ivory Tower", making it impractical and interesting to very few.
The ATR Ratchet is very simple in its logic but you will quickly discover that there are lots of moving parts that perform a lot of interesting and useful functions; much more than we expected.
A TR棘轮法在逻辑上是很简单的,但是你马上就能发现有许多运动点能完成一些有趣且有用的功能,比我们想象的要多得多。
And so that, you know, that just made him interesting… He came to discussions with much more life experience than most of the students I mean, we all had big ideas, but Barack had the experience.
This creates a much more interesting online experience than the usual battle of five-star teams and worked out well on EURO.
It's interesting to note that the Royal Yacht was furnished in a much more contemporary style than the palaces, with their George III antique tables.
I feel that if you enjoy what you make a living at, you end up being happy in more ways than one. Life itself becomes much more interesting and fun.
For me this is a huge motivator because reading something interesting is much more rewarding than reading a text book.
There is much to be said for failure. It is more interesting than success. ~ Max Beerbohm, Mainly on the Air, 1946.
And the questionnaire shows that most of the students think that the activities of finishing the tasks make the reading process much more interesting and easier than before.
There is much to be said for failure. It is more interesting than success. ~Max Beerbohm, Mainly on the Air, 1946
There is much to be said for failure. It is more interesting than success. ~Max Beerbohm, Mainly on the Air, 1946