Two men can chop down even a thick, sturdy rosewood tree in an hour. Then it requires teams of 15 or 30 or 50 to pull the logs through the muddy up-and-down of the vine-covered woodland.
Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits.
Few will soon forget the footage of a 30ft wave, churning like an angry beast up the shore - cars, boats and even entire houses, some of them aflame, tossed in its muddy intensity.
He slogs through a muddy beach in the eastern Bay Area and scoops up a clump of seaweed that's home to clams and snails.
The muddy lattice of marshes, bayous, and barrier islands that makes up southern Louisiana is different.
But in reality, it is impossible to have only good road but not bad road, bad road, but you do not walk up a muddy road on the lack of access to the muddy roads experience.
It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before.
The few food stands in the tents set up on the muddy ground were our canteen, where minimum sanitation standards were observed.
They pay close to US$5,000 to participate in the race, which goes up and down muddy, snowy hills and across icy streams.
Modern festival-goers who dread 1 ending up with a dead mobile phone battery after days stuck in a muddy field with no electric plug power points may now have a solution -- power boots.
Just then I heard a terrific noise shooting up into the sky from the ground and, meanwhile, the splashing of muddy water.
Civil defense workers and local residents have been toiling around the clock to clean up muddy streets and search for survivors under piles of rubble.
The pigs have rooted up the muddy ground, looking for food.
The muddy water was inching up the wood-paneled walls.
The upper part is a set of evaporite quasi-tidal sequence with clear cycles which is made up of middle-thin-bedded, gypsum-bearing muddy limestone and dolomicrite.
To further 20 muddy things up, internationally speaking, I sang Stand by Me to my new bride at the reception, and followed it by butchering the 21 venerable tradition of the Austrian waltz.
The said method is used for muddy water made up from extra-fine impurities, its water-purification efficiency is over three times that of basic aluminium chloride water-purifying agent;
The said method is used for muddy water made up from extra-fine impurities, its water-purification efficiency is over three times that of basic aluminium chloride water-purifying agent;