Based on the field experiment, the effects of cultivation technique of water collection by mulching upon the soil water content, yield of flue-cured tobacco field and WUE were studied.
This overview summarizes the effects of sown grass or organism mulching on orchard soil water, nutrients, air, temperature, microbes and enzymes.
The effects of the irrigation with fresh and brackish water on soil and the growth of cotton were studied under wheat straw mulching.
Soil surface mulching also had considerable effects on soil environment, but the effects varied with different modules.
The effects of concret mulching on evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, soil salt, yields of cotton and corn, water use efficiency were studied by field experiments.
The effects of concret mulching on evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, soil salt, yields of cotton and corn, water use efficiency were studied by field experiments.