In May, Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer gave the first Windows 7 demonstration, showing off multi-touch screen technology.
Similar to the iPhone, the new iPad features a multi-touch screen that can be viewed either vertically or horizontally just by turning it in your hands.
The phone's full QWERTY keyboard puts it all at your fingertips, and the multi-touch screen lets you move back and forth between open applications using natural gestures.
We wanted the next Wii controller, the next point-and-pinch multi-touch screen, the next tilty-pointy, GPS-giro-scoped, voice-enabled, low-fat, high-protein lean-mean-grilling-machine.
Multi-touch is essential in this model, users will expect to pick up an item with one finger and scroll the screen with another.
Sometime next year the desktop and laptop computer is highly likely to sport multi-touch, touch-screen technology.
A "multi-touch" screen replaces mechanical buttons.
“multi - touch”触摸屏代替了机械按钮。
Developers have created over 5,000 exciting new apps for iPad that take advantage of its Multi-Touch user interface, large screen and high-quality graphics.
开发者已经为iPad开发出超过5000个应用程序。iPad采用的是多点触控(Multi - Touch)用户界面,配置大显示屏并且具有高质量视图。
Developers have created over 5, 000 exciting new apps for iPad that take advantage of its Multi-Touch user interface, large screen and high-quality graphics.
开发者已经为iPad开发出超过5000个应用程序。iPad采用的是多点触控(Multi - Touch)用户界面,配置大显示屏并且具有高质量视图。
That project [what was to become the iPhone] was far more important [in 2005], so he put the tablet development on hold while the multi-touch interface was adopted for a phone-size screen.
Multi-touch capacitive OLED screen in a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Instead, it uses the same multi-touch interface that the iPhone uses. You navigate through music, videos and other files using your fingers and the touch-sensitive screen.
Multi-touch table-top displays project content through glass and respond to touch – imagine a table-sized smartphone screen.
It is an advanced multi-functional puffing equipment with a high degree of control by application of PLC, air cylinder, and touch screen.
The system can be used as a touch screen, you can refer to both multi-touch, non-interfering, for large interactive sites (large interactive wall, interactive desktop) effect more visible.
The system can be used as a touch screen, you can refer to both multi-touch, non-interfering, for large interactive sites (large interactive wall, interactive desktop) effect more visible.