This system can speed up some multimedia applications and more effectively utilizing microcomputer resources.
Spatial databases are being applied widely in many applications such as GIS, CAD, Robot, Computation, Geometry, Computer Vision, Physic Image and Multimedia System etc.
Multimedia communication system as a hot research in area of communication applications, play an important role in industry, medical care, business and education.
But with the development of applications, a growing class of distributed system requires real-time support, such as military command and control system, avionics system and multimedia system.
The proposed system can be easily extended to diverse applications ranging from computer animation, computer game and multimedia entertainment industries.
Using multimedia teaching applications and webpage editing tools, a network teaching system in college physical experiment was constructed.
BF561 integrates a common set of digital image processing peripherals for digital image processing and multimedia applications to create a complete system-on-chip solutions.
BF 561集成了一套通用的数字图像处理外围设备,为数字图像处理和多媒体应用创造了一个完整的系统级片上解决方案。
This paper out-lines the data bearer service and its multimedia applications in a WCDMA system.
This paper out-lines the data bearer service and its multimedia applications in a WCDMA system.