So in the NRC world these are the multiple barriers to public exposure and public risk.
What you have left is one image open with your multiple layers, in my case 3, each layer containing exactly the same shot just taken with a different exposure all sandwiched on top of each other.
In premature infants, minimizing radiation exposure is especially important because they may require multiple radiological exams for problems like underdeveloped respiratory systems.
Sperm whales throughout the Pacific Ocean carry evidence within their bodies of exposure to multiple man-made pollutants, according to a new Environmental Health Perspectives study.
The building is a system of multiple layers of composite louvers which thicken and rotate according to solar exposure, ventilation, and materials performance.
Our Engagement Mapping approach conveys how each AD exposure - whether display, rich media or search, seen multiple times on multiple sites and across many channels - influenced an eventual purchase.
The exposure was significantly associated with the risk for all medication use and for both single- and multiple-drug consumption even after adjustment (e.g.
Organizing media events is an outstanding way to get multiple media outlets to come to you and give you free exposure.
For Pulse to be successful, we will continue to make sure that all partners have full exposure in the catalog and MyEclipse is treated just as one of the multiple partners being listed.
To maximize your exposure, consider different types of users and offer them multiple levels of user interaction which would bring them back to your site.
The woman lived in an area with multiple opportunities for exposure to chickens and ducks.
This paper presents the successful use of multiple holographic interferometry in realizing the holographic real time double exposure (time average) interferometry.
Mask making with one step exposure and device making with multiple overlay exposure are applications of the system.
Used to describe situations where multiple companies are using shared capital to buffer against risk occurring in separate entities without the proper documentation of exposure.
The council identified the need for studies of potential health outcome resulting from multiple, long-term, and low-intensity radio frequency exposure from mobile devices.
Conclusions: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with an increased risk for multiple sclerosis.
The method uses an ensemble of short-exposure images obtained simultaneously from multiple cameras to jointly estimate the object and the wavefront distribution on pupil.
Lowmaternal exposure to ultraviolet radiation in pregnancy, month of birth, and risk of multiple sclerosis in offspring: longitudinal analysis.
Many research projects involve exposure of human subjects to single or multiple indoor environment parameters and subsequent observation of the effect on their comfort, health and productivity.
Another possibility with the multiple position strategy is to operate with a limited exposure in terms of the maximum number of contracts traded at one time.
Multiple pathways are involved in maintaining genetic integrity of cell after exposure to ionizing radiations.
Stepwise multiple regressive analyses indicated that there were notable correlations between serum LH, plasma testosterone and exposure, duration of exposure (P<0.05) .
Stepwise multiple regressive analyses indicated that there were notable correlations between serum LH, plasma testosterone and exposure, duration of exposure (P<0.05) .