Scala supports single inheritance, not multiple inheritance.
One benefit of using interfaces is that they simulate multiple inheritance.
Simultaneously, the problem of multiple inheritance in class hierarchy is considered.
You can think of mix-ins as multiple inheritance without the multiple-inheritance headaches.
可以把mix - in看成多重继承,但是它没有多重继承的麻烦。
C + + USES multiple inheritance to provide a similar capability, but with ugly complications.
C+ +使用多种继承来提供与之类似的功能,但是非常复杂。
Multiple inheritance supports a much richer inheritance hierarchy for the problems that require it.
A parent class to extend function from (plus any "mix-in" classes to simulate multiple inheritance).
Unfortunately, tossing out private and multiple inheritance has cost us dearly in terms of code reuse.
Objective-C only supports single inheritance between classes, while UML supports multiple inheritances.
Objective - C只支持类之间的单一继承,而UML支持多重继承。
How does Java 8' new default interface model works (incl. diamond, multiple inheritance, and precedence)?
Multiple inheritance, on the other hand, was commonly held as a necessary element of object-oriented programming.
Because Python supports multiple inheritance, abstraction can be taken to a level of complexity that is quite unhealthy.
They are comparable to C++ multiple inheritance constructs but omit the nasty side-effect known as the diamond syndrome.
它类似于C++中多继承的概念,但却没有众所周知的diamond syndrome副作用。
On the other hand, allowing for multiple inheritance in a programming language results in tremendous semantic complexity.
However, multiple inheritance being used only for interface implementation was thought to alleviate this problem somewhat.
Behaviors do not provide true "multiple inheritance" support for core language features like abstract classes and interfaces.
Class abstractions are extended by subclassing and a flexible mixin-based composition mechanism as a clean replacement for multiple inheritance.
OWL permits multiple inheritance, allows for many classes to share the same property, and allows properties themselves to inherit from one another.
Multiple inheritance might save us from the latter problem, but it would also lead us back to virtual inheritance, which we definitely want to avoid.
For example, a constraint may disallow multiple inheritance, or it may require that a class must have a particular type of attribute. This means that.
It was employed in the mainstream in CLOS where it was actually a design pattern to try to control the unwieldiness of the multiple inheritance of that language.
Traditional object-oriented programming, especially in languages like Python that allow multiple inheritance, attempt to modularize concerns with an inheritance hierarchy.
Whenever you have found a multiple inheritance relationship in an object-oriented design, be sure that no base class is actually a derived class of another base class.
Ruby and Scala are two newer languages that have taken the middle course on multiple inheritance - as I discussed last month when introducing Scala's traits (see Resources).
Users must understand the differences and interactions between metaclass programming and traditional object-oriented programming (under both single and multiple inheritance).
Since Domain components are represented by interfaces and not by classes, you can use multiple inheritance to combine several previously defined components into a new one.
Offering both an interface and an abstract class is redundant, but I find it convenient: in most cases, I only need the abstract class, but the interface enables multiple inheritance.
If I recall it right, Stroustroup wrote in "The Design and Evolution of C++" that he delayed a standard library in favor of multiple inheritance. I would have enjoyed it more the other way.
Multiple dispatch does not merely generalize polymorphism, it also provides a more flexible alternative to inheritance in many contexts.
Multiple dispatch does not merely generalize polymorphism, it also provides a more flexible alternative to inheritance in many contexts.