Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom!
I've alwasys had a good grasp of English language thanks to my mum who started me reading when I was very little.
Mum says she's just trying to be like me but it drives me crazy when I'm trying to fix my attention on my work.
Luckily, my mum encouraged me and stopped that from happening.
Mum advises me to buy a teddy bear for my cousin as a present.
Dad, can you tell me when my mum will come back?
"My mum was a great cook, and she'd sometimes let me have a try," he said.
My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but nobody could replace me in the family.
But my mum told me I must have experience of marriage, no matter how long it lasts.
Our group was shy at first, but wine before lunch has a way of loosening tongues. A young digital illustrator from Australia - who'd be calling me "Mum" by sundown - broke the ice.
He was at our home one evening when Mum was massaging me, so he saw my lumpy skin.
He had died that morning, but because I had an A-level drama exam in the evening no one told me what had happened until much later, when I was back at home with my mum.
One day, Jiang Hao asked her, “Mum, if you had not given birth to me, you would not be so tired now, right?
'It all started when my mum hung a picture on the wall of me, my dad and my brother doing a silly ski pose for my dad's 50th birthday,' said Mike.
No doubt I will face more challenges along the way, but after everything I have overcome, my confidence is restored and I know now there is nothing stopping me from being the best mum I can be.
He said to his son shortly, "Your mum won't let me drink" "shut out all bad thoughts from your mind, Dad, Let's go," A waiter showed them in .
During a car journey, a nursery friend of his asked me if Dougie's mum was buried.
If my wife or mum or dad said something to me that I disagreed with that could put me in a bad mood just because I'm on edge.
Mum made up a safe place for me to go when he is having a tantrum - I go into her room and lock the door.
He will never forget his dad looking up and demanding, "Help me clear up this mess before your mum gets home."
Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today. "mum."
I was at home and my mum rang me hysterical in the early hours to say he'd been killed.
At hearing my words, my mum felt more than happy and kissed my cheek, giving the biggest apple to me as a reward.
At hearing my words, my mum felt more than happy and kissed my cheek, giving the biggest apple to me as a reward.