Insulin accumulates in muscle tissue and enters the bloodstream, allowing it to circulate throughout the body.
Insulin accumulates in muscle tissue and enters the bloodstream, allowing it to circulate throughout the body.
They have evolved special "heaters" of modified muscle tissue that warm the eyes and brain, maintaining peak performance of these critical organs.
A small amount is present as myoglobin, which ACTS as an oxygen store in muscle tissue.
Microcystins mostly accumulate in the liver and also in the digestive tract and muscle tissue.
Episiotomy cuts through muscle tissue as well as skin, which often lead to urinary incontinence.
Muscle tissue has the special ability to shorten itself so that the bone on which it pulls has to move.
So in one way IGF can actually change your genetic capabilities in terms of muscle tissue and cell count.
Glutamine protects muscle tissue and supports immune function during periods of immune and muscular stress.
Rib eye steak, also known as steak, ribs and back from the loin and the surrounding muscle tissue together.
Objective: To study the significance of telomerase activity in arteria smooth muscle tissue of hypertension.
It's well documented that the way to grow muscle is to rip the muscle tissue, and then give it time to regrow.
Nearly everyone can benefit from massage therapy and its ability to relax muscle tissue and improve blood flow.
Differences in lifestyle, muscle tissue, genetic makeup, and overall health all help determine your personal fitness level.
A a nucleotide derived from adenosine that occurs in muscle tissue; the major source of energy for cellular reactions.
Objective: To quantitatively measure the blood flow of bone and muscle tissue by the radioactive microsphere techniques.
Fat and connective tissue start developing within your muscles, leaving less muscle tissue to contract to move your body.
This is significant because muscle tissue contains more water than fat does, and alcohol dissolves in water and thus is diluted.
As they report in Cell Metabolism, Dr Zierath and her team decided to look at one of the main consumers of glucose: muscle tissue.
Myositis: Inflammation of muscle tissue, often from bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection but sometimes of unknown origin.
An organic compound, C4H10N3O5P, found in muscle tissue and capable of storing and providing energy for muscular contraction.
磷酸肌酸一种有机化合物,C4H10N3O 5 P,常见于肌肉组织,可以为肌肉收缩存储和提供能量。
Use a mechanical model including springs, dashpots and concentrated masses to simulate muscle tissue or a boundary condition.
Studies show that sleep is important for cellular renewal, helping to replace muscle tissue and dead cells throughout the body.
Resistance of blood flow in muscle tissue: Change of hemodynamics was considered as an important factor inducing exercise fatigue.
While one study on rats linked DU fragments in muscle tissue to increased cancer risk, health effects on humans remain inconclusive.
When we go on a starvation diet to reduce our calorie intake, we not only destroy muscle tissue but also actually slow our metabolic rate.
A protein found in muscle cells that, together with actin, forms actomyosin, which provides the contractile mechanism of muscle tissue.
The whole point of weight lifting is to break down muscle tissue, then pamper it so it can heal into a stronger version of its former self.
The whole point of weight lifting is to break down muscle tissue, then pamper it so it can heal into a stronger version of its former self.