I happen to be a musical person, and writing prose always has to do with musicality.
Your talents combined with lots of musicality and personality made the game so fun for me.
"Feeling the lead" : how women feel it. How to take advantage of the space and musicality on the dance floor.
The reader can appreciate the musicality of Laoshe's writing by reciting and listening, as well as by reading.
A theoretical question on the translatability of the musicality of a poem still exists the field of translation.
Besides, the artistic devices such as symbol and musicality advocated by Symbolism are also accepted by Modernists.
Much has already been said about Liu Fang's sublime musicality and the exquisite nimbleness of her masterful fingers.
After that, the thesis sets out to expound POE's emphasis on musicality in poetry and its influence on French Symbolism.
Some accounts document practice at one note per second, which sounds almost irrational, but may benefit memory and musicality.
Li-Wei drew the audience in with his artistry, his brilliant virtuosity and his very refined musicality and sincerity of interpretation.
The idea that you can test for a musicality gene in your child, or whether or not you have an optimism gene "is just plain wrong," she adds.
"Best of all was InHye Kim, who pealed forth very prettily indeed in the soprano part, and evinced considerable stylishness and musicality".
My research had persuaded me that musicality is deeply embedded in the human genome, with far more ancient evolutionary roots than spoken language.
There were two important features in his abstract art:one was his behavior towards color, the other was his behavior in painting towards musicality.
We have also been fortunate to have several professional artists come and contribute their expertise, enhancing the overall musicality of the piece.
From his childhood memories of the musicality of the sounds of water, Dun has composed an extraordinary piece that explores these sounds in a unique way.
Most amazing is his musicality, his ability to respond to the score faithfully and yet creatively, playing with the music, moving in before and after the beat.
Poe's opinion and his practices of musicality in poetry have exerted so great an influence on French Symbolism that it becomes a general pursuit of the symbolists.
In addition to the obvious advantages of being able to create better music and to sharpen your musicality, there are many compelling reasons for keeping the piano tuned.
The author, by drawing on the theory of text typology, attempts to explore the translation strategies of poems musicality, hoping that it may provide a new analysis pattern.
The grasp of language materials by text messages has distinct time characteristics. They can make use of the musicality of Chinese syllables to produce harmony and variation.
This thesis sets to explore the musicality of the poem in four aspects: the rhythmic musicality, the rhetorical musicality, the structural musicality and the thematic musicality.
With the systematic introduction of Chen Dongdong's poems and features, this thesis focuses on the poems 'musicality and the acceptance of Surrealism, that is, the imagination in poetry.
There are four main characteristics in his prose: aesthetical consciousness , simplicity of lively artistic conception , musicality of distinctive rhythm and acoustic beauty of variety .
Symboilism, as the beginning of modem literature, does it's utmost to pursue the musicality of the works, which USES the uncertainty of the music to disclose a certain mood of the author.
Symboilism, as the beginning of modem literature, does it's utmost to pursue the musicality of the works, which USES the uncertainty of the music to disclose a certain mood of the author.