I must apologize that if I offended you I didn't mean to.
I must apologize for the rude things I said yesterday in the heat of the moment.
Thanks a lot for your kindness. I must apologize once again for the trouble caused to you.
I can't have you speaking to your mother in a rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately.
We must apologize for the inconvenience. And we will enhance the training to improve the capability of staff.
We must apologize for bringing lots of problems for you stayed in our hotel last time. We have received your mail.
If I could escape, I would but first of all, let me say I must apologize for acting stank and treating you this way.
Thanks for your comments! We must apologize for the inconvenience. And we will enhance the training to improve the capability of staff.
He called his uncle and said: "I (had too much to drink) 1 tonight and I must apologize 4 for my (bad manners) 3 at the (dinner table) 2."
Thank you for your letter of April 2. I must apologize for taking so long in replying, a situation caused by a number of recent conferences.
Policeman B: According to the fourth article of the Rules, you ll be fined 200 yuan. And you must apologize to him. Do you have any objections?
I must apologize for intruding into your private email address, but I humbly ask that you take due consideration of its importance and immense benefit it will be to you.
Most of us were brought up in a culture of apology: children must say sorry when they do something wrong and grown-ups must apologize if they bump into each other in the street.
If I could escape, I would but first of all, let me say I must apologize for acting stank and treating you this way. 'Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor.
Till then, the housekeeper must simply keep her head down, apologize uncomfortably and make a quick and determined exit.
"We must see Shasta first and say good-bye to him - and - and apologize, " said Aravis.
We do apologize for the frustration that it must be causing everyone who has been trying to view the services.
I feel we must give Barbara and Anna a chance to show us they are the teachers we have trusted and admired all these many months, as well as giving them a chance to apologize as well.
I feel we must give Barbara and Anna a chance to show us they are the teachers we have trusted and admired all these many months, as well as giving them a chance to apologize as well.