"Labor education must be carried out with the aim to develop the view of the world life and values and develop an interest in doing chores." said Zheng Fuzhi a Vice-Minister of Education.
These orders must be carried out at once.
In any case, suitable blank tests must be carried out.
The exhumation must be carried out in the next 30 days.
Therefore, the strategy of intercultural permeation must be carried out.
As a process, operational governance must be carried out by one or more people.
Two of the most important tests which must be carried out is load and stress testing.
Continuous oxygen monitoring must be carried out at the period of work in confined space.
The wiring must be carried out by qualified personnel, otherwise electrocution can occur.
An inspection official said Friday further checks must be carried out before the plant reopens.
Strengthening the psychological diathesis education of the university students must be carried out.
The destabilizing moment test of the washing machine reducer must be carried out before the installation.
After PTC fuses are manufactured, a lot of high-demanding tests must be carried out to ensure their quality.
为了保证PT C自恢复保险丝的品质,在开发与制造中必须对其进行全面、严格的测试。
Part one clarifies the reason why Chinese book education for senior middle school student must be carried out.
In case of a positive screening test, confirmation of results must be carried out via more complex chemical analysis.
But in principle, positions such as the prime minister and foreign minister must be carried out long term, "he said."
Debug, installation, upgrade, re-adjust, inspection or maintenance must be carried out only by our authorized persons.
The important considerations are that it must be carried out cheaply and expeditiously, and a good product must be obtained.
Conclusion: Left ventricle thickening is index of prognosis for elderly hypertensive patients, therapy of LVT must be carried out.
The spots on stem reach over 76 ~ 100, the disease index is 40 ~ 50, loss of volume is over 50%, large scale control must be carried out.
主干上有病斑76 ~ 100个以上,病情指数40 ~50以上,材积损失率50%以上,应采取综合全面防治措施,或伐掉重新造林。
Since we are doing an object-oriented software system, the behavior of our use case must be carried out by the classes and objects in our system.
Comparing with the traditional, distinction is that the form and content of all these must be carried out with scientific standards for planning.
Comparing with the traditional, distinction is that the form and content of all these must be carried out with scientific standards for planning.