They provide a means of mutual exclusion (hence the name).
When mutual exclusion with interrupt handlers is required.
Mutual exclusion can be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.
"Selection for mutual exclusion" is another, preferable designation.
Difference between mutual exclusion and blocked-IO in kernel programming?
It ensures mutual exclusion among threads but also interrupt handling code.
A new algorithm has been proposed to resolve the distributed mutual exclusion problem.
There's a loophole when synchronizing on a mutable field, however, which can break down mutual exclusion.
This behavior is called mutual exclusion, as the selection of one excludes the selection of the other.
The mutex (mutual exclusion) semaphore ensures that only one process at a time has access to the region of code.
Some form of mutual exclusion is necessary to make sure that only one thread is accessing the resource at a time.
Mutexes provide mutual exclusion for one or more data objects and are the primary method of thread synchronization.
Basing on the whole mutual exclusion between them and immense success in practice, complementarity is the best choice.
The primary means of synchronization is the use of synchronized blocks, which provide both mutual exclusion and visibility guarantees.
Mutual exclusion is an important problem in distributed system It guarantees concurrent processes access critical resources correctly.
Because the minimum length for the request, it also increased the distributed mutual exclusion based on its performance of the algorithm.
In consequence of mutual exclusion, radio buttons always come in groups of two or more, and one radio button in each group is always selected.
Mutual exclusion involves combining fine-grained atomic actions into coarse-grained actions and arranging to make these composite actions atomic.
The process synchronization and process mutual exclusion and semaphore mechanism, which are emphases and difficulty in the Operating System course.
Critical sections operate on the principle of mutual exclusion (when a thread is within a critical section, all other threads are excluded from entering).
临界段操作时坚持互斥锁(mutual exclusion)原则(当一个线程处于临界段中时,其他所有线程都不能进入临界段)。
Absrtact: Mutual exclusion in distributed systems is an effective method of solving the conflict with the application of resources and sharing resources.
It then discusses the structured specification style and the transition oriented speciflcation style, which is based on an example of a virtual ring mutual exclusion protocol.
While the semantics of synchronized do include mutual exclusion and atomicity, the reality of what happens prior to monitor entry and after monitor exit is considerably more complicated.
The oversimplification and radicalization of the binary opposition between self-interest and selflessness must lead to mutual exclusion between business principles and moral sentiments.
Some of the current mutual exclusion algorithms are introduced, and centralized mutual exclusion algorithm and distributed mutual exclusion algorithm and their characteristics are discussed.
Most programmers know that the synchronized keyword enforces a mutex (mutual exclusion) that prevents more than one thread at a time from entering a synchronized block protected by a given monitor.
We should foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual-benefit, equality and cooperation. Exclusion and confrontation should give way to tolerance and dialogue.
We should foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual-benefit, equality and cooperation. Exclusion and confrontation should give way to tolerance and dialogue.