What would writing a book with Larry Flynt mean to my academic career?
Through out my academic career I have not only getting good grades but also very active on sport field and involves in varies societies.
On the one hand, it is because of your encouragement and continuous assistance that now I have obtained a splendid academic achievement in my study career, and serve as chairman of Student Union.
In the first week of my Yale career it was hammered home to us that plagiarism was the capital crime in the academic world. Each year there are students who are punished for plagiarizing.
"May seem like a rhetorical one, especially coming from the former" RUP Curmudgeon, "my nickname inside the Rational organization before I left to pursue an academic career."
"Good academic scores, a girlfriend and bright career prospects may really have been something for my peers, but I found having it all pointless and insignificant," Zhang said.
"I may have made some different choices in my career track, and been more academic than I turned out to be," adds another male in the survey.
And yet, I am an early-career academic and so I am forced to move back, every summer, to live with my parents because I cannot afford to pay rent elsewhere after my temporary teaching contract ends.
On behalf of everyone here at Smith College, I offer my congratulations and best wishes for continued excellence in your academic career.
Later, when I had switched to an academic career at st Petersburg GSOM, I used Magnit as a case study in my classes on supply chain management.
Later, when I had switched to an academic career at st Petersburg GSOM, I used Magnit as a case study in my classes on supply chain management.