I have a Star Wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all jealous!
It was my songs that taught me all the lessons I ever learnt; they showed me secret paths, they brought before my sight many a star on the horizon of my heart.
Real Madrid star Beckham's "My Side", the fastest-selling autobiography of all time in Britain, comes in third (27 percent).
When I was nine years old, Sarge, my coach, selected me for an all-star baseball team, much to my surprise.
All said meteor can responsive, if can I like the night waiting for, wait until a star was moved me, for I across the stars with my blessing on your bed down!
Try buying a fun and colorful lunchbox, one that others will admire. I have a Star Wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all jealous!
Yi Jianlian is my favourite star. I think, Yi Jianlian will be a famous basketball star in the world later. All the people on the earth will know him!
In fact, I almost felt like a movie star who's being mobbed by the crowd, except that they all wanted to sign on Miss Daisy instead of receiving my autograph.
He didn't believe my story about the Star Zoo... until the robot told him it was all true.
Right, my fireworks lit, all of a sudden, out of a Venus, into numerous Venus, silver star in the night sky, blink, like raindrops fall.
My star will be just one of the stars, for you. And so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens... They will be your friends.
It was my songs that taught me all the lessons I ever learnt; they showed me secret paths, they brought before my sight many a star on the horizon of my heart.
Yes, my good man, my Pal Steve here and I are looking for all your newest STAR TREK comics.
All said, if can meteor can cater to wait in the dark, I was a star, wait for me, I moved across the sky with my blessing on your pillow fall!
Brandon Roy-My favorite young player. He just plays the right way, always under control. He is going to be an all-star for many years to come.
Star light outside the window is flickering, the night is cool such as water, everything is all quite, having my thoughts and feelings however, seething because of missing you specially severe.
I watched Adriano several years ago at the Toulon Tournament and, as all eyes were on him, his name stayed in my mind, "Mourinho told the Daily Star."
I didn't make the all-star team but I appreciate the way you have supported me on my blog and my website.
You're always on my mind, all day just all the time You're everything to me, brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams;
This will be my last All-Star playing in front of my home fans so it feels good.
This will be my last All-Star playing in front of my home fans so it feels good.