He laughed at my brother and me liking rice pudding.
My parents took my brother and me to have a picnic in a park one day.
No one ever went near it. That is until the day my parents purchased computers for my brother and me.
He'll see my brother and me only for a quarter of the year - just the equivalent of a season spent together.
Accused of neglecting this part of our education, my father instituted a summer school for my brother and me.
I remember waiting in that kitchen for my grandparents to arrive to take my brother and me snowmobiling to the nearest Pizza Hut.
It was a rich tapestry of culture and mores from which to draw from and it gave my brother and me a multi-faceted perspective at life.
Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me.
First he came along to a dinner party my mother gave one summer in Oxford; some time after, there was a friendly picnic on Christ Church meadow along with my mother, my brother and me.
Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don't act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV.
My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to take care of my mother and me.
Prithee let me see my brother Arthur—he will know me; he will know me and console me.
My brother took me to the railway station, and I got a bus at this end.
I can remember the precise moment when my daughter came to see me and her new baby brother in the hospital.
I rushed and pulled at the clothes in the closet, hoping the jacket on the bed wasn't for me but my brother.
I have to share a room with my little brother, and he's driving me mad!
My elder brother took off my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire.
Last year, my brother studied in Beijing and he gave me this when he came home.
She put me and my elder brother to bed, carefully placing us on the remaining dry place.
Though she didn't have much, neither did we, but she did something for my brother, Tommie and me.
Thus did my brother give me full freedom both internal and external in the face of all dangers.
My mother told me that she had lots of opportunities in life. She told me if they had happen, me and my brother might not would have been born.
Today, my brother and his friend ambushed me, tied me to a chair, and put a sock in my mouth.
I love looking back at the handful of photos of me and my brother playing together, glimpses of old homes, places we used to play.
"She buried him with this disease, and she's now going to bury my brother and then me, most probably," he says.
It was hot enough for me and my brother to remove our heavy jackets as soon as we reached the peak.
I took two fuel cans with me, I called my brother and a friend and we went.
I took two fuel cans with me, I called my brother and a friend and we went.