I knew the melody of my early life with daily observations on my way to and from home for lunch.
Brother Er assisted me till 1996, other joked: "The relation your brother and you likes Van Hogh and his young brother. "This is a very vital experience in my early life.
My second story is about love and loss.I was lucky - I found what I loved to do early in life.
It was a meteoric rise that the author later came to regret, telling the Observer in 2000 that his early success “unsettled my life in a way that I only now realise”.
I started the day that would change my life in the usual way, with an early-morning jog.
My two boys love each other so dearly and when I was struggling in the early days of motherhood, it was seeing their love for each other that helped me come to terms with our new life.
I've found that waking early has been one of the best things I've done as I've changed my life recently, and I thought I'd share my tips.
She married him in her late 20s, had two children in her early 30s, "and once I'd got that maternal part of my life out of the way, I suddenly started thinking about me again.
在她快30岁的时候,她与那个男子结婚了,并在30岁出头的时候生了两个孩子。 “可是,我在我的婚姻生活部分走出正常轨道时,我突然开始再次思考我自己。
"My father's illness impressed on me from an early age that life was going to be a struggle, and there were a lot of losers," Blair has said.
My life was supposed to go like this: get married in my early twenties to another Mormon in a Mormon temple, have children, raise them, marry them off, become a grandmother and die.
I've found that the beliefs I've discovered in the 20 - to 30-year period can be the ground floor of my philosophy, and that these early years can be a fruitful basis for a mature life for everyone.
Marina : I don’t believe that any single, early life experience with dolls is responsible for my intense interest in making them.
I borrowed a friend's computer (an early Apple II with modem) to automate my fledgling home business, and soon found myself immersed in a frontier of online life.
Irene about herself: "I have been training all my life.".. At early age I started with jazz ballet and judo and when I was 15 years old I started with bodybuilding.
I don't remember things about my kids' early years, because I didn't record any of it. I don't remember things about my life.
The early years of my life in an out-of-the-way mountain village were full and enjoyable, isolated but lonely.
When I returned to Oxford in early October for my surprise second year, the circumstances of my life were almost as complicated as they had been in Arkansas.
Not that I've arrived, but I've certainly learned some things. I'm making my mistakes early in life, so that I'm not stupid my entire life.
My grandmother often dredges up quite effortlessly, and with a great wealth of detail, scenes and incidents from her early life.
Our early years of my life in an out-of-the-way village full and enjoyable, isolated but not lonely.
Early autumn, in my memory has always been mature harvest, colorful season, as in life prime of life, is the prime of life, fruitful age.
Then my teacher told me I should be passionate to life, I start to make friends, my parents come home early and spend more time with me, I feel life is so wonderful, I love my life.
In my early visits to rural parts of Sichuan, and other parts of China, I was struck by the near absence of wild birds (other than a few species like sparrows and magpies) and animal life.
In my early visits to rural parts of Sichuan, and other parts of China, I was struck by the near absence of wild birds (other than a few species like sparrows and magpies) and animal life.