I used to live in Finland and my fiancee is from Finland.
I didn't really want coffee, but my fiancee insisted on making it.
Marina : My fiancee and I built The Enchanted Doll website together.
玛瑞娜 :网站是我和我未婚夫一起制作的。
Nephew: Aunt Jane, I hope you'll be home next Sunday. I'd like you to meet my fiancee.
And let's face it, my fiancee had some very specific needs for her computing experience.
At the end of the school year, I quit my job, broke up with my fiancee, sold my car, and moved to New York City.
Before that, I was engaged, but my fiancee left me at the altar. My friends were all there, but he didn't show up.
It will also be a great way for my fiancee to track our progress and see whose ideas are whose and approve or disapprove at will.
I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater?
I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater?
My fiancee Marti joked that I should make a scarecrow which looked like her. I laughed and then it occurred to me it was actually a very good idea.
我未婚妻Marti开玩笑说,我应该弄个Lady Gaga式的稻草人,我起先只觉得好笑,但后来觉得这是个相当好的办法。
This is one of the greatest days of my life! I'm to become a father - have just seen our baby on a scan and can't wait to the day my fiancee give birth.
Today, I got a card from the jewelry store thanking me for purchasing an engagement ring a year ago and wishing me and my fiancee a long and everlasting marriage.
The other night I was in the grocery store buying some items for my sick fiancee.
Do you write a heartfelt letter, like I did to my American fiancee once I decided not to leave Shanghai?
"I got rid of my ex-fiancee after five and a half years, " said Pierre Lucien, 47, "I shredded her picture, because I have very bad memories."
An old man guards his elegant and tender fiancee in another world, which is my real life.
Longoria, who plays saucy Gabrielle Solis on the ABC dramedy, can next be seen on the big screen in "How I Met My Boyfriend's Dead Fiancee, " due in 2007.
在美国广播公司制作的电视剧《绝望主妇》中, 朗格利亚饰演的是美艳主妇加布丽尔·索利斯。朗格利亚接下来将出现在影片《我遇到了男友死去的未婚妻》中,该片预计于2007年上映。
Longoria, who plays saucy Gabrielle Solis on the ABC dramedy, can next be seen on the big screen in "How I Met My Boyfriend's Dead Fiancee, " due in 2007.
在美国广播公司制作的电视剧《绝望主妇》中, 朗格利亚饰演的是美艳主妇加布丽尔·索利斯。朗格利亚接下来将出现在影片《我遇到了男友死去的未婚妻》中,该片预计于2007年上映。