Professor Johnson, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper, a computer failure completely wiped out my files, do you think I can have another day to retype it?
How do I go about encrypting my files?
Compress my files whenever I save them.
My files now bulge with more than 800 rejections.
And so you need my files and all my casework?
Or do I have to make like a PC user and keep my files on diskette?
So in terms of security, I can be assured that my files are in safe hands.
I back-up my files to floppy disk or other storage device on a regular basis.
Will I be able to walk up to any workstation and automatically get to my files?
Results aside, my files indicate that the FBI had certainly not given up on catching him.
My desk is clear, my files are organized, my email inbox is empty and I know where everything is.
As the owner, I can delete, rename, and move any of my files and directories, and I can edit any of my files.
I learned how to keep my files in order, how to stay on top of my paperwork, to be organized at home and work.
My files are in the file cabinet, my keys hang by the door, and my wallet goes on the little table in the hall.
I don't want to make my theme any slower though so I could use a little advise on how granular to make my files.
Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files last night.
Tom was caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he was sitting at my computer desk reading my files last night.
That means that we simply create a folder called "Transfer" in the "my files" section of Wuala as shown in the screenshot below.
It is nice to have access to all my files whether I'm in working in my office in Kansas or waiting for powder to fall in Colorado.
Sometimes, I work late at night, so I prefer to go home, take my laptop, put all my files on it and work on my ongoing tasks.
Like most Lifehacker readers, I'm using Dropbox to sync my files across multiple computers-including a subset of my music collection.
So if I don't want outsiders to see my files, I can create a unique password so that only those who know the password can have access to my computer.
Although I can safely say that the majority of my files are (relatively) safe in the cloud, it never hurts to make a run through and upload those that got overlooked.
If my word processor and your word processor can both open the same files, I can share documents with you easily.
If my word processor and your word processor can both open the same files, I can share documents with you easily.