It's my wife who's really interested and that'll be good for her because she's home from work by 7:15—that'll give her just enough time to get there.
So my wife calls me up and asks how my morning was. I respond with “good, just writing away.
"We got it good compared to a lot of people, because my wife already found a new job," he says.
In her role as a good parent my wife has recently attended an unusually large number of high school drama productions.
My parents approved of my suitable marriage and I spent the next 25 years being a good wife, eventually the mother of four, and a very respectable responsible member of society.
My wife is a really good woman. After I bought her the ring, she insisted she would pay to decorate our house.
I can't be a good wife, I can't be a good mom and I can't deal with my job too.
You understand, one conceives an affection for a person; I am a good sort of a beast, I am; I do not reason; I love that little girl; my wife is quick-tempered, but she loves her also.
"I HOPE my dear," said Mr. Bennet to his wife as they were at breakfast the next morning, "that you have ordered a good dinner today, because I have reason to expect an addition to our family party."
The alternative I chose: 30 Boxes, another good online calendar that I can share with my wife and access from multiple computers.
My wife has nothing but good intentions and would never say anything to intentionally upset me.
She replies, "I would have taken good care of my hands if I were as rich as your wife." I found myself crying even before the shooting.
I know I haven't been the greatest wife. I'm not a very good cook, I hate to clean and I'd prefer to spend Saturday in my jammies reading a good book.
The message he's subconsciously telling himself: My friend is a good guy who happens to be cheating on his wife. I guess even the best of us do it.
Q: my wife is insisting that we change to green tea for breakfast instead of my normal cuppa because it is good for us.
Then I spent some time with my wife, after work, and let me just say that’s about as good as it gets too.
Well thank you. We're worked very hard to build a good reputation... But soon it will belong to our sons. My wife and I are retiring.
Snacky for my wife: Who can kindly tell me where I can buy this in China please? It is very good to our skin.
Your honor, my client is suing for divorce on the grounds of Irreconcilable Alignment Differences. He's Lawful Evil and his wife appears to be Chaotic Good.
'I hope, my dear, ' said Mr Bennet to his wife at breakfast the next morning, 'that you have told the cook to send up a good dinner today, as I am expecting a visitor.'
The more mundane journaling I use for much the same purpose as I do "unloading" to my wife at the end of the day, recounting the events-usually the good stuff and the challenging stuff-that are.
平常里我记日记就像工作完一天后向妻子倒豆子- - -把一天中我记得的好的事情和有挑战的事情都写下来。
The man replies, I have a picture of my wife in my pocket and when she starts to look good, I go home.
Good evening. My wife and I would like a room, please. Is there any room available? We don't have a reservation.
One other thing - I have this superstition that compels me to open a good bottle of wine with my wife before I go away on a trip.
I have a good idea. Why don't you bring your wife to our place for dinner next week? She can compare notes with my wife.
I have a good idea. Why don't you bring your wife to our place for dinner next week? She can compare notes with my wife.