My goodness, I hadn't noticed it was so late!
Thank goodness I work from home, otherwise it would most likely have had a detrimental effect on my career.
My goodness, Venus retrograde would be the worst time to schedule plastic surgery, but it would be even worse now, with Venus in Aries.
My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum.
Oh my Goodness! ! ! I rubbed this on the soles of my daughter's feet, put socks on and she slept the whole night without coughing. It really works.
I wanted nothing to make it a life of comfort, but to be able to make my sense of God's goodness to me.
Oh my Goodness! I rubbed this on the soles of my daughter's feet, put socks on and she slept the whole night without coughing. It really works.
Is it possible to appreciate more a piece of yellow metal surrounded by little stones than the goodness of my Lord?
But you know, it is worth it because there are times when you think 'Thank goodness I did not try that on my guests.
GARETH MITCHELL: and I've, I've been shot in the head several times, mainly down to my very lame game play, it has to be said, and my goodness you certainly feel it.
That's why my new message to enterprises everywhere is this: if you're going to do private cloud, then do it properly for goodness' sake.
I close my eyes and remember the day I became aware of the power of 25 grace and goodness, and what it felt like to hold the hand of the man who had held, and healed, my husband's heart.
I close my eyes and remember the day I became aware of the power of 25 grace and goodness, and what it felt like to hold the hand of the man who had held, and healed, my husband's heart.