All I want is to have some peace and quiet and spend a couple of nice days with my grandchildren.
It's a large wooden chest full of toys for my grandchildren.
I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.
I saw my grandchildren, Carlos and Jalea, Ana and Quinito.
My grandchildren were soon calling him Granddad or Granddad Stuart.
I tell it as if I'm talking to my best friend or one of my grandchildren.
I wanted to get a driver's license so I could take my grandchildren to the zoo.
"I don't want my grandchildren to forget about me or their clan's history," he says.
But was having trouble finding the Swim Sweater for my Grandchildren until I found your web site.
King: I am patient. But I'm not getting any younger, you know. I want to see my grandchildren before I go.
I adore my husband, my son, my grandchildren, my mother, my dog, and frankly I don't know if they even like me.
Nevertheless, one thing that I never ever want to have to tell my grandchildren are the words, "it could have been"!
I hope my grandchildren will have the strength to bear the tibia difficulties and disappointments and grieves of life.
For my grandchildren, I'd know about hand-me-down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meatloaf. I really would.
I wanted my grandchildren to have them, knowing that this election was going to be one of America's historical bookmarks.
We were only able to make it out with five of my children and four of my grandchildren. I don't know what happened to the rest.
I hope my grandchildren will have the strength to bear the inevitable difficulties and disappointments and grieves of life.
When I finally walked into Carolyn's house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren, I said, "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn!"
I think some day my grandchildren will say to my children, 'you mean you couldn't plug in cars when you were young - that's so weird!'
I remember very well, when my grandchildren were born, I immediately fell in love with those precious and wonderful little human beings!
We're the last generation that can solve the climate crisis, so we need to do it not only for ourselves but for my children and my grandchildren.
I told myself to stay calm, to be strong, and that I had no reason to think I wouldn't live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren.
If you imagine I'm going to drop everything and come down to London before I attend to my grandchildren who've just lost their mother... then you're mistaken.
"Two of my grandchildren think we live inside Disney World, with Mickey Mouse," said Celebration resident Sessoms, referring to a four-year-old and a five-year-old.
“Two of my grandchildren think we live inside Disney World, with Mickey Mouse,” said Celebration resident Sessoms, referring to a four-year-old and a five-year-old.
'One day my grandchildren might think their granddad is old and lame, until I bust out the dusty box of old flings,' says Mr. Martinez, 28, who works at an insurer in New York.
In addition, Joseph Jackson wishes to personally convey: "My grandchildren are deeply moved by all the love and support you have shown for them and their father, Michael Jackson."
In addition, Joseph Jackson wishes to personally convey: "My grandchildren are deeply moved by all the love and support you have shown for them and their father, Michael Jackson."