In my school days, I did a lot of reading in English every day.
In my school days, I often dream home, I miss my parents, I miss my family and friends.
I don't recall ever hearing Chinese spoken during this train ride in my school days, or at least not Mandarin.
My interest in applied science dates back to my school days. During high school, I was fascinated with electronic gadgets.
If time could retrogress to let me go back to my school days, my dear teacher, how respectfully l would again listen to you…
Since the reading activities carried out since my school days I felt a lot of, often involuntary came to the library, swimming in endless ocean inside the book, suddenly, I feel it is extremely short.
Mr Tan, you said that you will wait for me to study at your country, sending and fetching me during my school days, bringing me to orchard road, stalking down from the starting to the end of the road.
It had been the end of the school year when it happened three years ago, only a few days after my fourteenth birthday.
A few days ago, I received a photo of my junior high school classmates, and half of my 52 classmates have already passed away.
My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school, when, for three whole days, I worked in a baking factory.
Instead, I fainted and hit my head on the sideboard, my last thought before passing out being that maybe if I hit myself hard enough I would get a couple of days in bed. A while off school.
I think back to my own school days, of aching fingers and 90-minute essay exams, and wonder how on earth these children manage when they are not used to holding a pen.
But due to my lack of wisdom, Buddhist Studies during my secondary school days didn’t have much impact on me.
It took me days to gather enough courage to leave the house and bring my questionnaire and old school tape recorder.
Damon spoke this past winter about playing lover to Douglas, telling People Magazine, "I kind of think of it in algebra terms, back to my high-school days."
Several days later, after Andy had returned to the States, I was walking down the stairs of my language school and was blindsided by an intense pang of missing him.
The first few days of my high school life I was pumped up by a sense of triumphalism and I was a bit stuck up.
The funny thing is that when I look at photos from my middle school cross-country days, I see that I stuck my elbows out too much as a 12-year-old runner, too.
I like to look back on my high-school days.
In my elementary school days, I perform better in my Chinese language tests than that of English language.
T:In my elementary school days, I perform better in my Chinese language tests than that of English language.
I remember one evening last winter, cold days, my mother to the school to pick me home, my mother saw me out, they hurried to take off her coat to give me to wear.
Back in my days, we wore suspenders and belts and jointing bow ties for high school, and tying onion on my belt too for lunch.
I make many friends here, the first day I come to this school, I get to know my deskmate, in a few days, I get to know my classmate, now I have a lot of friends, I feel so happy.
Joe- Yeah, but no matter what it is still better than my days at school in the dorm.
Today, as the school was holding the sport meeting, I will have three days off, so I decided to have fun with my friends, we went to the small old town which is near my school.
Today, as the school was holding the sport meeting, I will have three days off, so I decided to have fun with my friends, we went to the small old town which is near my school.