I don't like sharing my anxiety with my parents because I want to spare them the worries.
After taking a shower, I put on my new clothes and went to visit my grandma and grandpa with my parents.
I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own.
I made up my mind to major in English in the future after consultation with my parents and teachers.
Choking back my anger, I tried to speak calmly with my parents.
My parents are satisfied with my progress in my lessons.
My parents never got a strong feeling of satisfaction with my piano performance.
Although my upbringing was perhaps a bit strict compared with modern children, I'm very thankful to my parents for giving me a clear direction in life.
Thirty-seven years ago, I came to Fiji, an archipelago in the South Pacific at the western edge of the Polynesian triangle, with my parents and had my first taste of adventure travel.
One day, my husband went to shop with my parents, leaving me alone in the house.
I don't have a very good relationship with my family - my parents are difficult and my sisters dislike me.
My brother was to sleep in the bedroom with my parents and my two sisters and I had the other bedroom, as there were only two beds in the room, I was to sleep on a camp bed between the two.
I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.
After all, when I was young, one of my favorite songs was called "it's my Life and I'll Do What I Want!" Not a message that would encourage you to cooperate very much with parents or school!
I started spending more time hanging out with my parents and less time sitting in my computer chair staring at little computer people doing little computer things.
On a recent night, while I was busy thinking about important social issues, like what to do over the weekend and who to do it with, I overheard my parents talking about my future.
With us that day were my wife, my parents, my brother and his wife, and two of their three children.
My dad volunteered with the Special Olympics when I was young, and both of my parents always spoke with an understanding and sensitivity to others.
After my parents’ deaths, I’d been in conflict with my brother, and I was facing daunting tax and career troubles.
Then I sat down with my agent, my financial adviser and my parents and told them I had a number in mind I wanted to put away every paycheck.
On the plus side, I have no student loans to pay off and my expenses are minimal because I can live with my parents while I build the business.
I hated Janis Joplin with a passion for much of my adolescence, for instance, for no other reason than because my parents loved her.
My parents seemed to have a good time too - my dad got into some incredibly involved science conversation with Kim's friend Derrick.
My parents seemed to have a good time too-my dad got into some incredibly involved science conversation with Kim's friend Derrick.
My parents seemed to have a good time too-my dad got into some incredibly involved science conversation with Kim's friend Derrick.