A muscle is a very large number of fibers close together, containing two different substances myosin and actomyosin.
He discovered that myosin is only needed for the first and final stages of the amoeba's development and that, in all stages between, myosin is like a candy bar after lunch — nice but not needed.
One that churns out actin and myosin, which link up to form units that can expand and contract, will become a muscle cell. And so on.
The fiber types are defined by which "myosin heavy chains" (MHCs) they contain and by their metabolic capacity, a feature largely determined by the number of energy-producing mitochondria they house.
Springer wanted to know whether these organisms, Dictyostelium discoideum, would continue to grow even when deprived of a crucial motor protein, myosin.
Springer想要了解的是,这些有机体,Dictyostelium discoideum,在被剥夺了一种名叫肌凝蛋白的关键的动力蛋白之后,还能不能继续生长。
To understand how LXR regulates LDLR, the authors examined transcriptional target genes of LXR and identified a gene that encodes a myosin interacting protein, IDOL.
Figure a myosin molecule walks along an actin filament through a cycle of structural changes.
Thus, the tip of the leading process actively pulls the soma forward during neuronal migration through a myosin II-dependent forward F-actin flow along the leading process.
Thus, the tip of the leading process actively pulls the soma forward during neuronal migration through a myosin II-dependent forward F-actin flow along the leading process.