N-tier architectures for dynamic sites.
Analyzing and optimizing n-tier applications.
Best practices coding standards for n-tier applications.
Aggressive caching across an N-tier caching infrastructure.
This allows n-tier relationships to be easily captured in the model.
Walkthrough: Adding a Local Database Cache to an N-Tier Application.
演练:向N 层应用程序添加本地数据库缓存。
Figure 5 shows where in the n-tier architecture these patterns are applied.
This paper first introduces J2EE frame and n-tier model of enterprise application.
Cohesion is especially important in n-tier applications where more than one server processes data.
Once the design phase is completed, it's time to transform the design on paper into an n-tier system.
The next few sections highlight some standard best design and coding practices for n-tier applications.
后面的小节将着重介绍一些面向 n 层应用程序的标准的最佳设计和编码实践。
Before we examine these patterns in detail it will help to consider an n-tier architecture as outlined below.
This architecture has to be mapped into an IMOD N-Tier system. The key required elements in a nutshell are
这个架构必须映射为一个IMOD n 层系统。
Coordinating the invalidation of stale cache data as well as the replication of updated across an N-tier cache.
Figure 1 shows the n-tier layered architecture for service implementation and where these patterns are applied.
Before we examine these patterns in detail, it is helpful to consider an n-tier architecture as outlined below.
The technical team decides to convert the product to an n-tier architecture to divide the load across the tiers.
Before giving an overview of the SOA patterns it is helpful to think of an n-tier architecture as outlined below.
Part 2 explores some critical design differences between a cloud application and a traditional N-tier application.
The combination of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) and N-tier architecture offers two kinds of capabilities.
Simplifies the traditional n-tier application pattern by bringing together the ASP.NET and Silverlight platforms.
通过汇集ASP.NET和Silverlight平台的功能,简化传统N - Tier应用程序的模式。
The N-Tier Guide in Resources can provide a comprehensive list of server object properties and implicit parameters.
参考资料中的N - TierGuide提供服务器对象属性和隐式参数的完整列表。
For example, you could use partitions to represent the web, business, and data tiers of a traditional n-tier application.
Entity Framework won't define its own unique representation for the set of changes represented in an N-Tier application.
It is ready to use Context3 to deploy the N-tier clustered application and my floating remote office infrastructure in a matter of minutes.
The recipe assumes n-tier architecture similar to that shown in Figure 2, where the SOA IF Patterns can be applied at the appropriate tiers.
Combining the Parallel Job Manager (PJM), N-tier caching structures, and affinity routing provides a powerful, high-performance compute grid.
Is based on the n-tier model and supports browser users (client node) and mobile users (pervasive user node) accessing back-end applications.
The empirical application of hospital management system has proved the effectiveness of N-tier C/S structure for information management.
As your project matures, you can lean on the compiler and test framework as you refactor into an n-tier, enterprise-grade application. Or not.
随着项目的成熟,在把应用系统重构为n -层企业级别的应用系统时,你可以依赖或者不依赖编译器和测试框架。