We were introduced, but I didn’t catch your name because it’s so noisy at this party.
All class parents and teachers should have already started planning the programs for our New Year party. Please submit the name of your program to the Vice Principal, Woody Huang, this Saturday.
请各班老师及家长代表表开始筹划新年晚会的节目﹐ 并将节目名称于十二月二十日前向副校长黄允武报备。
All class parents and teachers should have already started planning the programs for our New Year party. Please submit the name of your program to the Vice Principal, Woody Huang, this Saturday.
请各班老师及家长代表表开始筹划新年晚会的节目﹐ 并将节目名称于十二月二十日前向副校长黄允武报备。