Namely, I need to have a User instance created (and saved into the GAE datastore) before I can logically add related Retweets.
The third change is closely related to the second: custodians arecourting new kinds of customers, namely—you guessed it—hedge funds andprivate-equity firms.
Listing 7 shows a similar query but this time some of the service-related information is also used, namely the desired namespace name.
This is apparently related to the tectonic setting of Shandong, namely, the continental margin where the Pacific Plate collided against the Eurasian Plate.
Namely every one natural person household can be set to the society of related articles issued administrative departments obtain a set of the same amount of basic living things.
Hardiness is an aspect of personality that buffers the effects of stress on health. Hardiness comprises three related sub-concepts, namely, commitment, control, and challenge.
Relevance theory states that, in communication receiver always pursue and follow the best related target: namely, in cognitive process with the smallest input to get enough contextual effect.
Meanwhile, it clarifies the limitation of registrations function, namely, the ambit of influence on validity of related contracts.
The thesis is divided into two parts, namely, introduction and text, and also the text explores three related issues.
There are two metallogenic formations for copper nickel deposits related to ultrabasic magmatism, namely chrome and platinum bearing formations.
The philosophy of Nietzsche includes three related parts, namely, the reappraised value, the will to power and the theory of superman.
Facing the special situation, namely, the numerous and frequent moving users, the net management system must issue related safeguards and countermeasures on campus web.
In Chapter 2, namely, some concepts and theoretical analysis related to enterprise groups and fund management are done.
After the negotiations failed, the OECD shifted its focus to a closely related issue, namely a revision of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Part II: identification of the specific rules of procedure, consist of two elements, namely the identification procedures to identify transcripts of the related issues.
Three issues related to the property rights of human capital in high tech enterprises are explored, namely, the subject of the property rights of human capital, the profit rights of human cap…
Three issues related to the property rights of human capital in high tech enterprises are explored, namely, the subject of the property rights of human capital, the profit rights of human cap…