"Adolphus Kelling, I arrest you on a charge of trafficking in narcotics."—"What?"
Yet it is precisely such achievements that produce the most scepticism about counter-narcotics.
The money earned from narcotics accounts for more than half of the country’s gross domestic product.
It’s extremely difficult to learn when one’s brain is scrambled on narcotics or whatever is the latest ‘high getter’.
Since then, Dante Arete has climbed the ladder in the New York City narcotics scene, and recently he went national.
Cooperates in maintaining a high level of order, safety and strict control over narcotics and other dangerous drugs.
The tunnel was fully operational with a system of ventilation and electricity, and rails for the transportation of narcotics.
The essence of implementing investigations of prepared narcotics-traffic cases is the lure investigations of "providing chances".
Singapore's narcotics bureau said twenty-one year old Tochi from Nigeria and a stateless African named Malachy were hung Friday morning.
Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and community organizations with treatment programs guide dependents to recovery.
I'd never had anything to do with narcotics, But nobody believed me; my vagabond life was too flavored with fringe adventures to defend my innocence.
This will be structured along similar lines to the counter-narcotics outfit, with heavily guarded judges who it is hoped will be immune to intimidation.
One of China's top drug-fighting officials, Yang Fengrui, says he is concerned more foreigners in China during the Olympics could mean more illegal narcotics.
Sergeant Kris Gilbert of the Polk County, Florida, narcotics squad is teaching his officers to use a new device that’s going to make their job a lot easier.
The article is on the rethinking and recognition based on "the Successful Practice and Strategic Thoughts from Narcotics Control" Three Battlefield in 2003.
Paradoxically, countries with more relaxed narcotics laws, like the Netherlands, have relatively low domestic drug use — perhaps because they are more egalitarian.
Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same DE GREe as narcotics such as cocaine.
Yet many were surprised when Zarar Ahmad Moqbel, a former interior minister, won more votes than any other minister, and was given the counter-narcotics portfolio.
Yet many were surprised when Zarar Ahmad Moqbel, a former interior minister, won more votes than any other minister, and was given the counter-narcotics portfolio.