Another way to open up nasal passages is to dab mentholated salve under the nose, according to the Central News Agency.
Asthma, a bronchial condition, is much less common ailment than hay fever, an allergic inflammation of the nasal passages.
It may also help to use a saline nose spray to clear nasal passages.
A nasal spray will clear your nasal passages. Here, try some of mine!
Decongestant sprays and pills may reduce the swelling in your nasal passages.
Many foods can help you breathe better because they open up clogged nasal passages.
The nasal passages will become moist and the nose colder in about the same 2-3 minutes.
This occurs because the nasal passages are not long enough to allow proper cooling of the air.
Once a cold has started, she recommended washing out the nasal passages, warm drinks and rest.
It is marketed to allergy sufferers and to people with inflamed nasal passages from a cold or the flu.
It relaxes the body and moisturizes the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe through a stuffy nose.
Decongestant nasal sprays work quickly and effectively, but they change how the nasal passages normally work.
These relax the very same muscles that cause snoring and also dehydrates the body, leaving nasal passages blocked up.
Sort of a milder cousin of sleep apnea, UARS occurs when some type of resistance slows or blocks air in the nasal passages.
Doing Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and Halasana (Plow Pose) can open nasal passages, ensuring proper drainage of sinuses.
Some flu experts think that perhaps breathing the warm vapors helps open nasal passages, which provides a medicinal benefit.
Because they work so well, one tends to take too many, and higher doses can cause dry throat and nasal passages, which can be irritating.
When you breathe through your nose, you bring cool air into your nasal passages, which cools the veins and the blood flowing through them.
In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom.
In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom.
In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom.
With nasal strips, your nasal passages are clear for better breathing, which will encourage you to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth.
Cancer of the nasal passages affects the paranasal sinuses (the small cavities in the bone surrounding the nose) and the breathing passages in the nose.
The present invention relates to improved nasal dilators that prevent the outer wall of tissue of nasal passages of a nose from drawing in during breathing.
Actually, your body is designed so that by the time air reaches your lungs, it's been warmed up and moisturized by your nasal passages, throat, and trachea.
Actually, your body is designed so that by the time air reaches your lungs, it's been warmed up and moisturized by your nasal passages, throat, and trachea.