The easiest way to think about it is that right now your body is focused on burning carbohydrates, leaving all of that nasty fat just sitting there.
Don't worry about your teens raiding your spice drawer for a quick high, however; it also packs some nasty side effects, and nutmeg poisoning is a very real risk.
"This is not a depiction of the accidental death that Ovid wrote about," he says. "It is a painting about a murder, and a very nasty one at that."
The ECB's extravagance sparked fears that it knew about a nasty problem in European banking.
I don't think it's quite right to read this week's pullback as evidence of a new, nasty phase of the crisis, but it does seem to me that markets are nervous about growth prospects.
Anything nasty either of them says about the other will be on YouTube or floating through the Web long enough for their daughter to see it someday.
Anything nasty either of them says about the other will be on YouTube or floating through the Web long enough for their daughter to see it someday.