AFL officials drew the line at national health insurance, however, partly out of concern for their own power.
Gompers' opposition to national health insurance was partly principled, arising from the premise that governments under capitalism invariably served employers', not workers', interests.
London's third great function, since the seventeenth century, has been that of national and international bourse: the exchange of stocks and shares, banking, commerce and, increasingly, insurance.
Insurance companies use a national prescription database to determine whether or not you have ever been prescribed medication.
"If you employ a cleaner for five to six hours a week, pay a decent wage and pay national insurance, there are consequences," one said.
She wants a national system which requires individuals to buy health insurance, with help in the form of tax breaks for all punters, and subsidies for the poorest.
Although some of the national agencies, Japan's, for example, are free to set low prices and write vast amounts of insurance cover, others are required to be self-supporting.
To promote competition, he would create a national insurance exchange where people could shop for different plans.
He said: "My priority is to try to reverse the increase in national insurance because it is a tax that affects the vast majority of people in Britain."
Mr Brown will also gain from changes he is making to national insurance, aligning the income levels subject to it with those in the income-tax system.
Two years later, when the mandatory national health insurance programme started, it covered 50% of the cost of Caesarean sections, and it now pays up to 80% of the total cost.
The National health Service is buckling under pressures, but it is not close to collapse; try living in a country like America, where 46m people have no health insurance.
A 2007 national survey actually shows that insurance companies discriminated against more than 12 million Americans in the previous three years because they had a pre-existing illness or condition.
UK NINO The National Insurance Number (NINO) is an alphanumeric number of nine characters used in the United Kingdom for national insurance and tax purposes.
UKNINO国家保险号(NINO)是英国使用的包含9 个字符的字母数字编号,用于国家保险和税收用途。
It's a little bit like the NAIC -the National Association of insurance Commissioners -recommends laws to the local insurance regulators in the fifty United States.
He also floated the idea of merging income tax and national insurance, a complicated ancillary tax: he should have just got on with it.
The National Insurance Crime Bureau, a group that keeps track of car thefts nationwide, published its list of the most-stolen vehicles on Monday.
If the economy stays weak, it may not be robust enough to withstand further deficit-cutting measures, including a planned rise in national-insurance contributions this April.
All resources are pooled in a single authority, such as the National Health Insurance in Canada or the National Health Service in the United Kingdom.
I tried to take a regular job a few months ago. After tax and national insurance I was left with practically nothing.
At the national level, revenues lost on income tax would be made up by higher national-insurance contributions.
The planned increase in National Insurance contributions is nothing more than a tax on jobs and it should be abandoned immediately.
Also, about regulation, I want to mention the NAIC — it's a very important institution — that stands for National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
The Tory plan to reverse most of the rise in national-insurance contributions will still leave taxes rising substantially.
The private sector is playing a critical role in the National Health Insurance Scheme.
The main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, will rise in January from 17.5% to 20%, and national-insurance contributions will also go up in April.
While debate continues on the best model for India's health-care financing, initiatives such as the National health Insurance Scheme are getting off the ground.
Type of organization (Insurance, Finance, Software house, multi-national etc). In some types of organizations like finance, insurance etc you tend get better remuneration.
Type of organization (Insurance, Finance, Software house, multi-national etc). In some types of organizations like finance, insurance etc you tend get better remuneration.